Ch4 Doe Lost Interest (Or Not)

Start from the beginning

"Pull yourself together, Fae," she mumbled to Herself and taking in a deep breath, "He probably looked at you because you were staring at him first. You're overthinking things. Everything's fine."

She kept her gaze up and pointed at the window forcing herself to watch out the window instead of looking around again and just keep an eye out for her her stop. Except...the feeling of someone boring their eyes into her head. For the next ten minutes things progressed like that, until against her better judgement she looked over at him again and found him once again staring right at her. Still in the same pose. Only now he tilted his head at her noticing that she looked back. Was he...staring at her this entire time? No. Of course not! She shook her head. He was probably looking around at the same time she looked at him and they made eye contact. She was just a bit stressed out from being late and on edge is making her see things. Yeah. That must be it. She sighed before smiling. How ridiculous she must be. She even dared to smile and wave at him to which he perked up again and waved back ... Albeit with his full arm and way faster which was a strange way of waving but not everyone was the same. More time passed by and it was a little..awkward. she still had that feeling and Everytime she looked he still seemed to stare at her. 

"I don't think he's blinked his eyes at all."

FINALLY her stop Arrived. She was very quick to stand up and exit the bus not looking back at the man who still stared. Fae flew down the steps and onto the parking lot. This was it! Her shoes cracked against the ground as she ran across the parking lot away from the bus station and towards the gas station. Crap! Crap! Crap! She was late! She was so late! She was going to be in so much trouble later! She didn't even see the eyes watching her go from the bus. She ran all the way to the front door. A bell furiously going off as the door is was busted open and she stood there panting.

"I'm here!"

A scowl from behind the register met her. "Where have you been? You're supposed to be here at ten to relieve me!! It's like twelve something now!"

"I know! I'm so sorry! I overslept and the bus takes forever!," Fae apologized with a wince to her angry coworker. "I promise it won't happen again!"

"Whatever! Just get behind here and start manning the register! I'm already late to get home because of you!"

"Alright, alright. Time to work."

She was SO lucky that her coworker hadn't caused any further fighting and just left her there without another word. Fae didn't blame them for being angry, she'd probably be mad too if she was made to wait for someone else who was late because they over. Maybe if she was lucky her boss wouldn't find out and she could just be better next Monday after her weekend off. Although... she had a feeling he might already know. Sigh. Oh well. For now she'd just do what she always did. Which was manning the cash register, cleaning the floors, restocking the shelves, and everything her coworker didn't do that she had too. But...she couldn't help but still have the feeling like...she was being watched . It started when she was mopping the floors but when she looked up, no one else was in the store either. No customers. Nothing. A quick glance outside also confirmed that there wasn't anyone in the parking lot or at the bus station. She shook it off.

It happened again About an hour and a half later. A customer came in with a few children to buy snacks and soda. She had a feeling someone was staring at her through the big window but a quick check outside confirmed that no one was again there... Must've just been her imagination. She rationalized that she was being watched anyways by the security cameras inside and in the parking lot and that must be it on top of her nerves getting the best of her. Other than the mother and her children there was really no one else that day and it was pretty peaceful other than the feeling she still got but she still pushed it to the back of her mind.  She just needed to finish her shift and get home. So there she was, drumming her fingers against the counter and staring off in thought when a loud sound of a bell caught her attention. Fae jumped up and snapped her head over to the doorway... Before she again paused as a man walked in and towards her. He wore all black and wild black hair cascaded down his back. He walked right up to the register with that same smile.

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