Attack / She's back.

Start from the beginning

"Okay? I see white boys with braids all the time." His mom finished up with the last cut and leaned back. "I'm just saying this town has grown more and more unsafe over the past year. You need to be careful."

"I know, I know." He mumbled back.

His mother caressed his cheek and planted small kisses on his forehead. "Now, go to bed. You need to sleep off the injuries."

Jackson let out small chuckles while standing up and walking toward his room.

He hated to brag, but he loved showing off his room.

It was big, with a balcony. He had a nice large bed, with plenty of entertainment, too.

He hopes that one day, Y/N would be able to admire his room just like he did.

"I can't believe... I kissed Y/N." He giggled out. He was truly infatuated with her. Poor boy, he doesn't know how she feels about him.

"I feel like I've made a big step ahead than Miles." He belly flopped on his bed and rolled over on his back.

"What does she see in him anyway?" He pulled open his phone and went onto Instagram, looking for Miles' account.

"Does this dude even have any social media?" Jackson mumbled. He switched from platform to platform, yet he couldn't find any account that matched Miles' name.

"Lame. Y/N just has horrible taste in men."

He set down his phone and bundled up in his covers, basking in the warmth of the blankets.

As he drifted off to sleep, all he could think about was Y/N.


When Y/N woke up, she stretched and yawned, awaiting the day. Since she got suspended on Monday, she spent Tuesday and Wednesday out. And when she returned, it was Thursday. It was now Friday, so she's glad she had such a short week. She was excited to see Miles.

When Miles woke up, he had new bruises all over his fists. Even if he had the gauntlet protecting him, the material on the inside would still crush up against his knuckles. He was excited to see Y/N.

When Jackson woke up, he felt like a zombie. His face was all swollen up and bruised. He could hardly breathe out of his nostrils, making him breath out of his mouth. However, he was still excited to see Y/N.


"Yo, Miles. Don't tell me you were out all night as Prowler again. You look dead." Ganke, Miles' roomate, asked him. "Not even getting that pus -"

"Shut up." Miles zipped at him. He threw on his dirty uniform. He was glad it was Friday, which meant he got to go home and visit his family, do his laundry, maybe visit Y/N—wait. He forgot. Prowler duties.

He grabbed his bag and shoved it full of all different kinds of notebooks and textbooks that he was probably not gonna use anyway.

"Wait, before you go," Ganke stopped Miles from walking out the door. "What's with you and that girl? Y/N? I thought you were still with Katrina?"

"We broke up months ago. How are you so behind." He grabbed his phone out of his pocket. "I thought you were addicted to the internet."

"Hey, I've been taking more breaks recently." Ganke scoffed out. He let go of Miles and sat back down on his chair, going back to his video game.

"Whatever. See you after school." Miles waved goodbye to his roommate and left the dorm, yawning in the process.

"Hey Miles, what's up?" Someone waved to him. He just nodded his head in return, too tired to engage in any conversations.

Stupidity // Miles-42 X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now