when it all started

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It's weird how so many people pay attention to such small details. That's what I thought when I was sitting in the bus, near the window seat, listening yet again, to my favourite song. Why are people so obsessed with NOT minding their own business? Well I mean, of course if there's anything that's bothering me, I will do something about it but, in this case Jayden just didn't see the old lady who was trying to find a seat.

Jayden used to be my best friend. It's a long story, actually, but we are not talking anymore. It's not like we're enemies or something, our friendship just kinda faded away...

I was walking as fast as I could. I was in the mall. I can say that Im pretty lucky because it's not that far from my house. I wanted to do some shopping before Christmas. You know, new sweaters, hoodies, jeans. That kind of stuff. I'm not used to go shopping by myself, but today I didn't feel like socialising AT ALL.

As I was walking, still with my headphones on, I passed by my favourite store. Every time that I'm in this mall, I have to go and take a look at the books, the vinyls and the video games which this store is fulfilled with [...] And here Im am. At the book section. I'm not that much of a book person. I always wanted to read books, like my brother, but any time that i started reading a book, I immediately got bored and just stopped.

"Wait", I thought. "No, it can't be". "Carol? Carol is a book?". I took it from the shelf. 'Recommended' was written on the top of this shelf. I was speechless.

About a month ago, I saw "TÁR". And I fell in love with Cate Blanchett's performance. I can't even describe the emotions that this movie evoked in me. And when I found out about the movie Carol, I was waiting for the right moment to watch it.

'By Patrizia Highsmith' it said on the bottom of the cover. "Now a major picture, direct by Todd Haynes" I read to myself. I didn't think any further, and I just bought the book. I thought it's a great opportunity to start reading books, in addition, I really wanted to watch this movie so it'll be interesting to compare it to the book.


I was really satisfied by this purchase. Still walking, still in the mall. I was somehow in my own world, drowned in my own thoughts. Lady Gaga playing in the background and suddenly I bumped into someone and fell down, the bag with the book sliding away from me.

I become so awkward when it's about public places. I was so embarrassed I didn't have the courage to look up and simply apologize. I took off my headphones, got up. As my gaze went up with me, I saw a tall figure. She was wearing a grey suit, with a white shirt.
"Shit. It couldn't get any worse..." I thought to myself. I bumped into a security guard. The mall was full of them.

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