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"And what stopped you?" Stefan asked

"I just can't, I don't want Damon to die. I don't hate Damon but I hated him for killing Lexi but I just can't"

"You wanna know why you can't? It's your humanity it's stopping you because deep in there you still like him and you wouldn't kill a friend. Would you?"

"No I wouldn't"

"So don't kill anyone"

I laughed evil "you wanna know a fun fact about me? I don't have any friends anymore so that means I don't have to care about who I kill"

"Would you care if Katherine died?" Bonnie asks

"Of course I would, she's my sister and the only family left but right now we're not like a family"

"Ouch that hurt" I heard behind me

I turned around and saw Katherine standing in the doorway having crossed arms

"So I'm back and you've probably heard it so hello sister" Katherine made her way to me



"So you're here. Let me guess....for Stefan?" I smiled ironically

"No I'm here for you. Why are you here?" She asks sitting down

"I'm here...for the doppelgänger"

"Oh really"

"Katherine how do you feel about that she's helping Klaus?" Stefan asks annoying

"Tara seriously? Klaus, he killed our family and he's still after me"

"That's right but you left me all alone be he was the only one there for me. You didn't only run away from him, you also ran away from me" my eyes was watery by all my feelings I was trying to hold in

"I had to run"

I nodded angrily "yes you- you had to run but you didn't even tell me anything of what was going on you just left"

"I had to. I'm sorry but I didn't wanna die"

"Neither did I...but you left me to die and I was afraid Katherine, I thought of all people you were the one who would save me....but you didn't"

"I knew you weren't going to die Tara"

I looked at her confused "what do you mean?"

"Elijah, he loved you Tara and you two was so in love I knew that he wouldn't let Klaus kill you"

Tears ran down my face.

"I think I'm gonna go" I said standing up

Katherine grabbed me "Tara. We still need to talk after all those years"

"So talk" I sat down again

"I have a question. Why do you even wanna kill Elena?"

"Because I don't care about ANYTHING"

"No Tara" Katherine said disappointing

"What, what's wrong?" Stefan asked

"Her humanity, she have turned it off"

"That's right and you know why. The pain hurts me and it's with me all the time, I don't wanna feel that"

"It's okay to live with pain, it will heal with the time" Elena said calmly

"If that was true my pain would've been gone by now....but it's not, it have gone 617 years and the pain is with me all the time"

"We're angry! But you need to stop, you wanna destroy Elena's life like your life got destroyed? Huh? It's that what you want?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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