Happily Life Together (Demon!Kagome/Sesshomaru)

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Not requested

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Pairings: Sesshomaru/Demon!Kagome

This is Rated M for some sexually

"Sesshomaru," Kagome called out his name playfully as she crawled close to her beloved and wrapped her arms around him.

Sesshomaru stood there emotionless, lying on the bed with his mate. He stayed calm while facing her golden eyes. Yes, Kagome is a demon dog, like him and his kind. He and Kagome had mated last night and it was damn good. However, he must say Kagome is one of the feisty ones and he loves it.

"How do you feel, my love?" Sesshomaru asked, eyeing his mate. Although last night was just amazing as he remembered claiming her to be his mate.

Kagome gazed up at him, love filled her eyes as she replied, "A little sore but other than that I am fine."

"Hn, my mate," Sesshomaru replied before moving down her body and sniffing at her abdomen.

A smile appeared as he took in another whiff of the wonderful pleasant smell. His scent was fully mixed with hers meaning his pup now rested within her womb. He began to whimper against her abdomen telling his mate she was indeed pregnant while welcoming the new life into the world.

Kagome glanced down tears in her eyes as she smiled at him. She knew what that whimper meant and was proud to say she held the Western Lord's pup within her small body. Growling in happiness she allowed her hands to rest upon her stomach covering the hand he already had there.

Gazing up into her golden eyes, Sesshoumaru let out another soft growl. He was beyond pleased that his pup was now inside of his mate. Growling down at her, he felt his body stiffen once more, ready for another round with her.

"Round two?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome whined as she sweatdropped, chuckling shyly.

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