Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision

Start from the beginning

That was until he ran into her, his first Arendellian acquaintance turned bitter rival, Anna Oldenburg.

She was quite a welcoming spirit, she had mostly better life than he did probably... It was easy enough to befriend her even if he had to get wet in the process, maybe his father’s option won’t even be necessary?

Anna herself even agreed to marriage, all the better for him... of course it didn’t go as planned oh no.

When the news came to Queen Elsa’s attention,  she said no... this complicated matters.

Their heated argument in middle of ballroom complicated even more, especially drawing attention from  some suspicious faces like Duke Ragnar of Weselton and what a surprise his guards, Hans’ brothers Rudi and Runo who monitored the situation.

The emerging waves of ice coming out of Elsa’s hands wasn’t something anyone expected but definitely remembered.

Elsa was on the run and with Anna on her way to find her, it left Hans to guard the nation. That’s what he did, he gave citizens coating from snow, gave them food...

Part of him wished if only his parents could see him now...

Later with persuasion from advisor Kai, Hans decided to go on a trip to find the sisters since Elsa wasn’t coming back herself and Anna maybe in danger if not dead somewhere due to wolves...

Duke Ragnar’s offer was hanging in his mind however, reminding of his father’s orders...

He was hesitant still... Can he even do it?

While contemplating that, they made their way to the newly made castle in the mountains... Elsa definitely should be there...

With some opposition to guard her of course, a giant snow monster with growing spikes all over it...

And while Hans and officers distracted it, his brother made it inside. Seized the moment to try assassinate Elsa...

They failed again and were lucky he talked her down or else their heads would be filled with holes.

He made a promise to Elsa that he’ll help her and Anna when they talked in the sea stone chained dungeon, strangely it specifically was made for just this occasion. Whether their parents knew about this was beyond his knowledge...

But that all didn’t matter, why?

Well while he was looking around the castle, he came upon an interesting mirror... it reminded him of one he saw in a book somewhere. But when he looked at his reflection, he stared thinking how far he came, what will he do now, and where is his life headed to?

And suddenly he realised what kind of dilemma he put himself into.

If he helped them now, when the current situation favoured his father’s interests... all distrust is on princesses, all suspicion on magical queen, a person different from rest...

His father will never forgive this, he’ll take his wrath on Hans...

And when he thinks about it, if he’ll let Elsa go everyone abroad will think he’s siding with dangerous anomaly. Arendellians may understand, maybe some of them... but not everyone.

And if he won’t let her out, they’ll see him as coup plotter...

A worst case scenario in both is civil war...

And in that moment looking at his reflection, all in his mind had shifted.

He had little time and unfortunately his childhood trauma and fear of his father got the best of him there...

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