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warning: mention of death and blood.

days are passing, time is ticking. jisung is getting closer to his demise but he doesn't care as long as he's with his friends and the love of his life, minho.

chan already knew everything and it's just minho who is clueless about jisung's time left.

even their friends can't have the courage to tell that to minho. they're scared of what minho would do if he found out about jisung's situation.

jisung on the other hand is just waiting for the right time to say it to him.

the six of them are in the city right now for an amusement park hangout. they played all kinds of arcade games, ate some cotton candy and ice cream, sang at the karaoke, rode some amusement rides from less scary to the most scary ones. of course jisung and minho didn't go to the scary ones because of jisung's condition and they are both scared of heights.

they are just distracting themselves from the fact that a dear friend is going to face his end soon enough.

they can't accept it.

not yet.

they already called it a night and went home.

they all went to jisung's house because they've been staying there for two weeks already just to accompany jisung and fulfill his needs inside the house.

while minho and jisung are walking to their favorite destination, the riverside. jisung wanted them to go there for a short talk. he's already feeling tired and sleepy but he can't let himself sleep without telling it to the older.

that today is the day that he'll die.

today, he will leave the world.

today, he will leave his world beside him, holding his hands as he was smiling at the younger while walking down the forest.

he can feel it in him.

he's already weak.

a tear escaped from jisung's eye. he hugged the older's arms while walking as minho smiled at the gesture he made.

he can't see jisung's tears falling nonstop because it was too dark in there.

they arrived at the bench beside the river they always come to and sat there.

jisung sniffled, and minho heard it.

"hey, are you okay?" the latter asked, looking very worried when he noticed that the younger was crying. he cupped jisung's cheeks, and the latter shook his head while sobbing.

"please stay with me." he bawled out. he hugged the older as minho immediately hugged back and he also teared at jisung's words.

it breaks his heart to see him like this, always telling him to stay with the latter.

it almost sounds like a goodbye.

"i'm always here for you jisung-ah. i love you." he said while rubbing the latter's back.

jisung let go of him and held his hand instead while looking down at the hands intertwining.

"i'm sorry if i disappointed you." he says while still looking down.

"disappointed me? you never disappoint me."

"i'm sorry for not keeping my promise that we would do everything together."

minho suddenly realized it. his eyes grew wide and a new set of tears started to fall.

"no, no."

"i'm sorry for not being your future."

"please jisung-ah don't say those things in front of me."

"i'm sorry for leaving you—"

"stop!" the older shouted and sobbed loudly as he hugged the younger tight.

"no, you're not leaving here. you still have plenty of people to help." minho wheezes.

"minho hyung—"

"no, no, no. you're staying here with me. i'll keep you warm and i'll always be beside you." jisung's shirt started to get wet because of the older's tears that had been falling in him.

jisung cried even more.

"i-i'm s-so s-sorry." they were hugging for a long time now that minho already knew. he didn't want to let go of jisung.

jisung sniffled. "hyung."

"hmm?" the latter manages to respond whilst sobbing.

"please do your best to fulfill your wishes. be happy and when i'm gone, please move on from me and find someone else." he said.

"p-please jisung don't say that, i'm not ready yet."

jisung sighed heavily.

minho let go of him and cupped his cheeks.

"everything is going to be okay, alright?" he smiled at the younger despite having a red puffy eyes and red face from crying hard.

jisung just nodded as he approached the older and kissed him passionately.

he can't believe this is really their ending.

he leaned his head against minho's shoulder and hugged his arm.

he sniffled.

"do you already know what you're going to be in the future?" minho said, still sniffling.

they are both looking in front of them while they are listening to the sound of the water flowing.

"i want to become a doctor. they may have killed my mom but i'm sure i'll try harder than them. i just love helping and healing people." jisung said, tiredness visible in his tone. minho shut his eyes and cried silently.

"i t-think it fits you." he smiled at himself.

"it was so nice spending time with your grandparents, they're always so kind to me. please tell them that i thank them for everything. for being my parents when my real parents died."

"i will."

"a-and for felix, hyunjin, and jeongin, please tell them that i appreciated everything they did to help me. tell them that i thank them for letting me help them."

jisung is already getting very weak that his voices are already turning into whispers.

"i-i will."

"when we first met at this place, you didn't want to be friends with me. but here we are today, cuddling and telling cringe words to each other." they both laughed even though it was already hurting minho to hear his lover say his final words.

"i just love you so much, minho hyung. my first love, my greatest love, my everything."

jisung coughed again and spat some blood at the grass. this time, it was so many and it's thicker than usual.


"don't speak for a moment, jisung." minho wheezes as he felt jisung shook his head.

"i love you too, minho hyung."

jisung slowly closed his eyes and tears fell.

"i love you more, jisung-ah."

"i'll always be here on this bench, sitting beside you." jisung smiled.

minho squeezed his hand and caressed it.

he can't hear jisung's breathing anymore.

he can't feel him anymore.

"jisung?" he called the younger, but he was already sleeping.

minho burst into tears and hugged jisung.


i hope this is a dream.

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