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Takemichi Hanagaki had always been an ordinary high school student. He spent his days going to school, hanging out with friends, and working part-time at a local convenience store. Yet, there was something extraordinary happening in the quiet corners of his life that he was completely unaware of.

In the heart of their high school, there was a quiet and talented young man named Takashi Mitsuya. Takashi was known among his peers as the diligent member of the sewing club, a hobby that he held close to his heart. He was a quiet and reserved soul, content to spend his free time crafting beautiful pieces with the delicate touch of his fingers.

What nobody knew, not even Takemichi himself, was that Takashi had a secret admiration for Takemichi that he had carefully concealed for years. In the hidden corners of the sewing club's room, he would spend hours crafting gifts for Takemichi - delicate bouquets of hand-sewn fabric flowers, warm scarves made with the softest yarn, and even a lifelike portrait of Takemichi meticulously stitched onto a canvas.

Takashi's secret crush had blossomed into a creative outlet, a way to express his feelings for Takemichi without ever revealing his true emotions. Each gift was a labor of love, a silent declaration that only Takashi knew the depth of.

One chilly autumn day, as leaves danced through the air, Takemichi found a beautiful hand-sewn flower on his desk at school. He examined it closely, marveling at the intricate details and vibrant colors. It was unlike any flower he had ever seen. His friends noticed his fascination and teased him about his "secret admirer."

Takemichi chuckled and played along. "If I had a secret admirer, I wonder what they would be like."

Unbeknownst to him, Takashi sat at the back of the classroom, a hidden smile gracing his lips as he watched Takemichi's reaction. That smile was his reward, a silent acknowledgment that his efforts were appreciated, even if they remained a mystery.

As the seasons changed, so did the gifts. Takemichi received the warmest scarves during the harsh winter months, each one bearing the mark of Takashi's unwavering love. Takemichi couldn't help but notice that these gifts always appeared when he needed them the most. He felt a warmth in his heart but never connected it to the shy boy in the sewing club.

One day, during a school festival, Takemichi wandered into the sewing club's room, intrigued by the beautiful crafts displayed. His eyes widened as they fell upon a lifelike portrait of himself hanging on the wall. It was an astonishing piece of artistry, capturing his essence in every stitch.

"Look isn't that Takemichi?"

"Isn't he the one that was on portrait?"

"Omg you're right!"

"The portrait is literally just like him"

The fellow club members whispers to each other as Takemichi enters their club room.

"Wow, this is amazing," Takemichi exclaimed, completely oblivious to the fact that the artist stood just a few feet away, his heart pounding in his chest.

Takashi, hidden behind a row of mannequins, watched with bated breath as Takemichi admired the portrait. He had poured his heart and soul into this piece, hoping that Takemichi would one day discover the truth.

As Takemichi continued to admire the portrait, a fellow club member approached him and said, "You know, Takashi is the one who made that. He's incredibly talented."

Takemichi's eyes widened in surprise as he finally learned the name of the person behind these incredible gifts. Takashi Mitsuya - the talented artist who had secretly admired him for so long.

Takemichi's curiosity continued to grow as he admired the lifelike portrait, and he couldn't resist asking the clubmate, "Who's Takashi? Why did Takashi choose to make a portrait of me, of all people?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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