Training To Be The Hero Central City Needs

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DISCLAIMER: The Flash and all its characters belong to DC Universe and The CW Respectively. I don't not own them nor do I do this for profit.


Summary: Previously on The Flash Reborn, after the man has decided to stay as Barry Allen, he decided that the first thing that he'd do before going back out into the field was to get some training in and who would be better then The Arrow himself aka Oliver Queen for 2 months.


My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. After waking up in this strange new world and in the body of Barry Allen no less, after some intense thinking, I've ultimately decided to stay and accepted my new identity as Barry to see if I have what it takes to be a true hero, there dangers lurking in every corners of the city and with my knowledge of how things will go down I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am The Flash.

2 Months Later

"Well done Barry, I admit you've impressed me greatly, when you called me 2 months ago and asked me to help you train in preparation for your future "career" honestly I was a bit surprised and skeptical, not because I didn't think you couldn't handle the training regimen as you handled it like a champ but I was surprised that you called me to help you train as I was sure that you would've just done some punches and kicks here and there in your future fights and called it a day." Said Oliver as he and Barry are walking to their training area for one last sparring session to see how well Barry has come along in the past two months.

"Yea, I won't lie to you Oliver that was my initial thought, I had figured that since I have powers now, especially Super Speed, I had thought that I'd be able to handle anything the world would throw at me, but as I had that thought I soon realized how egotistical that had sounded and that having powers doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to utilize it correctly or know how to fight, plus I'm a 26 year old man who didn't know how to fight like you do, sure I've had some boxing lessons that Joe gave me as a kid but even that isn't enough to tackle the world head on you know? But now since I've spent two months training with you, I feel ready for anything the world can throw at me." Said Barry.

In the past 2 months, Barry has rapidly and quickly grown in his training, pushing past his previous limitations and becoming almost as good as Oliver is as a fighter, in fact Barry has almost beaten Oliver once or twice in one of their spars. They've worked on Barry's endurance and stamina first off as Oliver has quickly discovered that before they could do anything they need to work on, Barry's strength and stamina as even without his speed, Barry is.....relatively slower even as a normal human, so to fix that small issue Oliver had Barry do all kinds of running drills and techniques to better help him. Everyday and night, for the rest of the week Barry has worked tirelessly to strengthen his stamina and endurance levels up to better help him run at normal speed, 1 week had passed since then once that issue was fixed Barry was able to run at his fastest speed without his powers, nearly as good as an athlete runner/sprinter.

The 2nd week Oliver had Barry work on his strength training and have him gain much needed muscles as a 26 year old man with a lanky body isn't easily equipped to endure such a difficult and harsh vigilante life, so Barry did just that by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull-ups, 100 weight lifting exercises along with a variety of set and rep schemes with kettlebells, dumbells, barbells, and bodyweight moves everyday and night like his first week, to the point where Barry went from a lanky body to an Ectomorph body, a six pack, more muscles on his chest, arms and legs but not to the point where they would slow him down when he runs or in combat. It's a perfect physique for him and Oliver agrees.

The Flash Reborn Season 1: The New And Improved Barry AllenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz