Chapter 14: Onward to the Unknown Land

Start from the beginning

The celebration continued on, with people laughing, eating, and enjoying the festivities. Nathalie continued to eat, her emotions still concealed behind her calm demeanor.


As the sun moved across the sky, the day gradually shifted into late afternoon.

Are they even planning to end the celebration? I'd love to stay longer, but I have a journey ahead of me.

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, I made my way to the harbor. The warships were still neatly anchored, but it was time to set sail.

Together with Nathalie, we boarded "Leith," my battleship, checked the supplies, and ensured that everything was in order.

I took my seat in the captain's chair, a comfortable and well-equipped command center complete with a computer system to control the ship. I also arranged for Nathalie to have a temporary chair beside me. Since there weren't any pop-up chairs available, a temporary one would suffice for now. I planned to have one installed by the workers if they had the capability to do so.

And soon, I began to cast off.

With me prepared and Nathalie at my side, I glanced back at the lively celebration on the shore. Music, laughter, and cheers filled the air as the evening sun bathed the port in warm, golden light.

I took a deep breath, feeling the sea breeze on my face, and then gave the command to set sail. The ship began to move away from the bustling port.

With my eyes fixed on the horizon, the battleship sailed into the vast expanse of the ocean, leading us toward unknown lands for our journey.







We sailed further and further from the port, the coastline disappeared, and all we could see was the endless expanse of the sea.

Hours passed, and still, there was no land in sight. 

The horizon stretched on, an unbroken line where the sky met the sea.

But as the day wore on, the ocean began to change. The once-calm waters turned turbulent, with waves growing larger and more erratic.

It wasn't long before a storm was upon us. The sky darkened, and the sea raged with a furious intensity. The ship was tossed about like a mere toy in the grip of an angry giant.

I knew I had to act quickly to ensure myself and Nathalie's safety.

The struggles of the ship were mirrored by my own as I fought to maintain control.

I shifted between the 'A' and 'D' keys, trying to steer us through the tumultuous waves.

Nathalie sat beside me, her expression unchanged, but I knew she had a mix of fear and confusion as she held onto her seat.

With one arm, I steered the ship, and with the other, I held Nathalie firmly to prevent her from falling or getting hurt due to the ship's violent movements.

The rain poured down relentlessly, and the wind howled through the rigging. Lightning streaked across the dark sky, revealing the chaos surrounding us. The ship groaned and creaked, sounding as if all its metal parts might snap at any moment.

I fought to maintain control of the ship, my fingers dancing over the keys. The waves surged and crashed around us, rising like mountains before plummeting into deep troughs. It felt as if we were at the mercy of Poseidon himself, tossed upon the chaotic sea.

With Nathalie still beside me, her face devoid of emotion but her grip on the seat unyielding, I tried to keep her safe amidst the ship's violent movements. Every jolt and shake sent shivers through our bodies.

I continued to steer the ship through the raging storm, my eyes squinting through the rain, searching for any signs of a break in the tempest. The ship fought against the ocean's fury, and my heart pounded with each mighty collision against the towering waves.

Time seemed to stretch as we battled the storm.

Despite the battleship's size and strength, it seemed like no match for the relentless fury of the storm. The ocean's wrath knew no bounds, and my vessel was tossed around like a mere plaything. Each violent pitch and roll tested the limits of my ship and my own resolve.

As we battled the tempest, the power throughout the ship abruptly cut off for no apparent reason. In a situation already perilous, this unexpected turn of events left me bewildered.

"What?" I exclaimed, my voice barely audible over the deafening storm.

Amidst the chaos of the storm, my surroundings suddenly plunged into darkness.

The power outage had left me blind to the situation, and in the pitch-black environment, I struggled to make sense of the surroundings.

The moonlight, filtered through the heavy clouds, provided only the faintest illumination, casting eerie shadows that danced around me. Still, I couldn't see very well.

The ship continued to be battered relentlessly by the furious elements, the creaking and groaning of the vessel merging with the dissonance of the storm.

As I fought to regain control, the ship's sudden, violent motion sent me tumbling, and lost my balance.


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