First Meeting | 1

64 4 5

Gary's POV:

"Gary, I told you to stop selling this garbage! You need to stick to the traditional shit!" I stare at the floor as my boss yells at me once again. I'm honestly used to it, this is an everyday occurrence for me. Once i hear her ugly ass platforms clack away i scoff and roll my eyes.

I only need to deal with it 'till I finish my 64 step plan to open my own bakery and leave this dump. It's only a matter of time.

I grab the broom and begin sweeping up the mess she made, picking up each crumb. It truly hurts my heart to see my creation not only destroyed, but also wasted. I cry to myself, mentally of course. I woke up terribly today, I can't have myself looking worse than I already do!

Once I finish I go back to the counter and look at my phone to see when this horrid shift is finally over. The day is going by so slow and so is business, we barely have had any customers today!

After what felt like hours (it was like 30 minutes) I hear the bell come from the front door. I put my phone up and smile (with closed eyes). "Welcome to butlers bakery! What can i get you today?" I ask in my usual happy tone. I open my eyes to see the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes apon!

I couldn't help but blush as I get lost in his beauty. He has mediumish dreads the layer over each other perfectly in a ponytail, his blackish brown eyes that match perfectly with his dark skin. And a mole that fits perfectly on his neck. His outfit was pretty basic but cool. White shirt with a red jacket and black jeans, it honestly could've been better not gonna lie. But I was practically drooling over this man.

"Hmm... surprise me!" HOLY GLOB HIS  VOICE IS SO DEEP A-

"Well I'm supposed to be sticking with what's 'traditional' but maybe I can give you something that I've been personally working on" I smile. He raises an eyebrows and smirks. "Oh really? Lay it on me pretty boy."


I hand him a bag with the treat in it. He opens it and looks in. "This looks pretty good. My expectations are high!"

He takes a bite and he pauses. I begin to get nervous as I haven't necessarily perfected the recipe yet. His eyes light up and his cheeks turn a bit pink. "Wow these are amazing!" He said. "You should really go professional" he smiles at me. I blush a bit at his praise but turn away hoping he won't notice.

He smirks again and speaks up. "Well gummy, can you give me your number?" He asks. "Gummy?" I respond. "Yup! You're pink like bubblegum!" He chuckles. "Now that number?" He hands me his phone.

I grab it from his hand and begin typing my number. I hand him it back and he types something. I hear a ding come from my phone and I pull it out. Its from an unknown number, I look up at him. He smiles and i blush slightly.

"You never told me your name." I say. He grabs my phone and types his name. 'Marshall lee' what a cool name. I think to myself.

"Well I'll see you around~" He puts some money on the table and walks out.

Hearing that bell ring I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I rest my head on my hand and basically melt. "Ahh he was so hot!"


I walk into my apartment and kick my shoes. I flop on my bed and open my phone, scrolling through tiktok. I roll my eyes at the stupidity of people in this generation. Like why are people opening mattress to see if there's fiberglass? Thats so dumb, just check the tag instead of endangering yourself.

I see a message pop up and my face instantly lights up. Its Marshall! I immediately feel my face heat up.

Hey gummy😼

My gummy wummy 😻
Oh, hey

SOOO im going to Central Park tmr
Wanna come??
My gummy wummy😻
I dont have anything better to do



(A/N I feel you can tell im rushing but that's all I can squeeze out today. I hope you enjoyed and if you have any ideas or suggestions don't be afraid to tell me)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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