Chapter 29; After the fall

Depuis le début

-"oh my god, I'm so fucked! I'm so utterly fucked!" I whimpered at myself as I struck my forehead repeatedly with the palm of my hand, almost as to knock the thoughts out of my head.
I needed to calm down to grab on to the last bits of brain that were still not hijacked by the caveman.

I relaxed my muscles and let the warm water do it's thing. I closed my eyes, my hands, they moved on their own, really. I couldn't help it. I wanted more, of him, his body, the way his jaw clenched down with every thrust, the way this brown eyes looked at me, his skin sweaty and warm on my skin.

I thought as I propped my legs up on either side of the bathtub walls, spreading myself just like I had done before for him. I couldn't believe it, as the tips of my fingers danced on my clit, circular motion, up and down, side to side. Faster, slower, faster again. The soapy water was helping as I felt my toes curl remembering all the nasty delicious things Dean had done to me, how his cock felt inside of me, the decadent pressure I felt at the end of me every time he pushed himself deeper inside of me, how angry and fast he fucked, but his kisses, his touches, how he licked and savored me, that was something else too.

How even now I wanted him to do it again, but how could I just go and ask him that? No. That was ridiculous. I couldn't prove to him that my body yearned for his, I couldn't just bring myself to tell him to fuck me again like that, to undo me again. This upcoming orgasm was to be mine, I was to take back control of my body, from the memory of him, as my back arched further and my head fell back, and I felt nasty, like I was cheating, or breaking a promise, But this was about my pride. My legs stretched, I was almost there, But it was never gonna be the same, this was just a gross act of defiance and I knew it.

-"Blaire." Dean's voice suddenly erupted.
I jolted, and removed my hands, my legs flew inside the bathtub, so fast the water spilled over the walls on to the floor, I turned my head, my eyes met his, as he stared back at me, scornful, cheated, maybe hurt.

My heart was beating fast, I could hear it thunderous inside my ears, I was breathing fast, like cornered prey. Shit! I was caught with my hands in the cookie jar, but he couldn't get mad at me for this, it would be unreasonable, but yet... he was, and I could tell, it was only there than I noticed he had a tray full of food, had he... he brought me breakfast?

-"Don't look away from me." He scolded me
I looked at his eyes again from the suddenness of his order
-"Dean I-"
-"That shame in your eyes tells me that you know you where doing something naughty." He dropped on me. My face turned red and I swallowed the lump in my throat, I couldn't retort or even defend myself, I couldn't even look away.

-"Blaire, you understand you just broke our agreement, correct?" Dean said gingerly, sweet almost. I nodded I couldn't say a single word, and some how his billowing anger was turning me on even more, what an inappropriate reaction.
-"Blaire, can you please state the agreement." He commanded. Oh hell no! he was making me say it!? I sat there in the bathtub stunned, I couldn't say it, I couldn't it was so embarrassing.

-"I can't say it." I boldly admitted. I looked at him waiting to see a reaction, But he just looked at me, he just stared at me.
-"Blaire." He warned and I hated how he was saying my name, it made me miss his pet name for me and that made me even angrier, but suddenly I understood his be it entitled, feelings of betrayal, I knew I could go downstairs and ask him to make me cum like he had done last night and he would have gladly helped me, I knew this, he made sure I knew that too, but this wasn't about that, I hated depending on other people I hated it so much, that was the only reason I was really partaking in my overzealous act, it wasn't just my ego, but my pride too.

-"Do you regret it? Last night, the things I did to you?" Dean asked me, and the tone of his voice completely took me by surprise, it seemed soft and unsure.
-"I don't regret it, Dean." I planted harshly. This caveman, as if I would regret something I desperately wanted to have again.
-"Then...Why-" I cut in.
-"Pride. My ego is hurt, I wasn't good enough for you to stay on the bed this morning, and what's worse you assumed I would regret it, Like I wasn't a willing consenting participant too, and it made me angry." I confessed absentmindedly honest. My face and ears grew hot, the shame of my statement made me turn away from him, but I was seething, so angry I didn't care what he thought.
-"You will be punished for this." He arrogantly stated. I turned to him incredulously, my eyes narrowed on him, but his face was grimly serious.
-"You are pathological." I diagnosed him.
-"If anything, you savage Caveman, you deserve to be punished too." I scoffed.
-"And what agreement did I break Blaire?" He asked calmly
-"You're such an asshole!" I yelled, -"We didn't agree on it, I fucking get it okay!?  but when you fuck someone like that you at least stay on the bed until they wake up, you know." I spit.
-"I'm sorry for leaving the bed before you woke up, Blaire." He quipped like he was appeasing a child.
-"Don't say my name like that." I snapped at him irritated, I stared at him like I was trying to set his hair on fire with my mind. Dean smirked, this psychopath actually found humor in the situation, but this was more, this was that one shit eating grin Dean showed when he had me under his thumb, when he knew something I didn't know.
-"Is "Pixie" Better for you?" He bit the inside of his cheek, which was something he did when he was trying to subdue his laughter And it dawned on me, he knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted to get under my skin and the worst part was that I was letting him.
-"You know what, Fuck you Dean." The venomous words shot out of my mouth as I stud up in the bathtub, the water splashing everywhere and the droplets bouncing off my naked body like I was Aphrodite being born. I stared daggers at him, as my wet foot touched the cold tiled floor, and I tossed on my bathrobe,
-"You're acting so high and mighty now but the fact is that you left that bed because you're a fucking coward." I spat at him.
-"You couldn't face me, the truth is that you where terrified that I would regret having sex with you." My words were lethal, and the expression on his face confirmed them, his smile had faded, and his brows where slightly furrowed, his lips pressed together in a thin line.
-"Ooooh!" I exclaimed, -"You don't like it when others can read you?" I mocked and laughed at him standing right across from him, not so big and bad now.
-"Excuse me." I scoffed as I turned my nose up at him, and started to walk pass him towards my room, I felt a shiver run down my spine as I got closer to him, but I didn't let it show in my strut and as soon as I did he grabbed my arm.
The next thing I knew my bathrobe was on the floor and I was pressed against him hard, I looked up at him and before I could even open my mouth he kissed me, he kissed hard and aggressive and I gave it right back, kissing Dean was always delicious, and I was taking any chance I got with those lips, I was getting too used to it now.
He then started to run his hands and fingers around my body,

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 11 ⏰

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