Beneath all of this, Alessia faced something even more profound, something she struggled to put into words. It wasn't solely about the feelings she had for Lotte; it was the realization that these feelings were directed toward another woman. Alessia recognized Lotte as someone entirely worth her emotional exploration, but voicing these feelings aloud meant confronting her vision of the future, her dreams of a romantic wedding in Italy and a family of her own she had always desired. And what would her parents and brothers say about this? This recognition, amidst the backdrop of a jubilant night, created an internal chaos Alessia had never before experienced.

Despite these internal struggles, Alessia couldn't deny that Lotte remained gracious and patient. Her demeanor mirrored the understanding and compassion that Alessia had come to expect from her friend. Lotte seemed willing to give Alessia space to initiate the conversation, and this only deepened Alessia's sense of guilt. She felt bad for not addressing their situation sooner, especially given Lotte's empathetic nature.

As Alessia gazed at Lotte, a fond warmth spread through her chest. Lotte's unpretentious enthusiasm was magnetic, pulling at Alessia's heartstrings and beckoning her toward the dance floor. An invisible force seemed to draw her closer to Lotte, and perhaps the alcohol played its part in sealing her decision.

As Alessia approached the group, her steps carried a subtle sway, undoubtedly influenced by the alcohol coursing through her veins. Paradoxically, it seemed to infuse her with a surge of courage. Lotte now stood almost before her, and their teammates beamed at her jubilantly as Alessia joined them.

With a gentleness that only alcohol-induced courage could summon, Alessia enveloped Lotte's hips from behind, her touch causing the other woman to start briefly. She felt Lotte lower her gaze and seemingly recognize her hands as they rested atop her own. Then, in a graceful movement that Alessia found breathtaking, Lotte tilted her head back, arching her neck until her head nestled against Alessia's chest. "Hey Less, nice to meet you on the dance floor," Lotte whispered softly. Her words held a hint of inebriation, but they were sincere, and they stirred butterflies in Alessia's stomach as she responded with a grin, basking in Lotte's gentle greeting.

This moment felt transformative. Alessia, elevated by her high heels, loomed taller than usual, and she took a deep breath, her nose buried in Lotte's hair. The sensation of Lotte's backside against her and Lotte's head cradled against her chest sent Alessia's senses into overdrive. She was acutely aware of their contact, and for a fleeting moment, a tug of sensation deep within her core heightened her awareness. Perhaps it was a bit too much physical closeness, but Alessia couldn't help but relish it. Lotte didn't seem angry with her for not having a proper conversation about their kisses so far; in fact, she seemed comfortable nestled against her, and that eased Alessia's mind immensely.

Everything else seemed to fade into the background by now, except for the palpable sensation of Lotte against her. The friends surrounding them, caught up in the fervor of the evening, cheered them on. While this level of intimacy might not have been entirely unusual for their group, tonight it felt particularly noteworthy. Yet, Alessia hardly paid attention to their cheers. She had closed her eyes, moving in perfect harmony with Lotte, their rhythms synchronizing with the pulsating music. Time lost its grip, either stretching or compressing within the intimate bubble they had crafted. They could have danced for mere moments or an eternity, Alessia couldn't discern. Her senses were overwhelmed, and in that moment, everything felt perfect with Lotte so close.

As the music continued its rhythmic journey, Alessia gradually returned from the ethereal realm they had inhabited during their dance. Suddenly Lotte gently disentangled herself from Alessia's embrace, her gaze directed at Alessia. "The others are heading over to the bar. Would you like anything?" Lotte inquired, her eyes briefly flicking toward their teammates, who were now making their way to another corner of the bar. Within the contours of her question lay an unspoken choice, a delicate pivot – whether to return to the realm of ordinary celebration or linger in the extraordinary moment they had conjured. In Lotte's eyes lay an intensity that took Alessia's breath away, leaving no doubt about her more than friendly feelings for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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