Chapter 5

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"Okay, Less, if you remember so much about your time in college with Lotte, why don't you tell us some of the things you two did together!" Beth exclaimed, laughing loudly for everyone to hear. While her comment nearly interrupted Alessia, it was met with approving cheers from their teammates. It was clear that everyone was eager to hear stories about "College Less and Lotte" and their adventures in the USA.

Clearly, unlike Lotte, they hadn't grasped the subtle undertone in Alessia's response. She wasn't referring to amusing college stories, but rather to the personal moments that had transpired between the two of them during their time in college. But how could they have known? In that moment, it became evident to Lotte that Alessia hadn't shared their shared history with anyone in this team. Perhaps she had confided in her best friend Ella back at Manchester United, but certainly not in any of the girls she played alongside in the Lionesses.

For a brief moment, Lotte worried that this could be the turning point, the moment when their shared history would be exposed. However, as she glanced carefully at Alessia, her fears dissipated. Their eyes locked, and Alessia's gentle blue gaze and the slight curve of her smile reassured Lotte. Yet, amidst the relief, a different emotion took hold - one that instilled even greater fear in Lotte's heart. It felt like butterflies erupted in her stomach, a vivid reminder of the treacherous path she was treading, risking another plunge into her deepening feelings for Alessia. Unfortunately, Lotte couldn't deny her lack of strength to resist the magnetic pull of the other woman. And deep down, perhaps she didn't even want to resist at this moment.

Alessia's radiant smile suddenly morphed into a mischievous grin as she diverted her gaze from Lotte and scanned the expectant faces of her teammates. "Tell me, has Lotte ever mentioned to you all that she's not only an exceptional soccer player, but also an extraordinary singer?" Alessia inquired, her grin widening even further. In that moment, Lotte couldn't contain her amusement and released a soft laugh, causing everyone to turn their attention towards her.

Lotte instantly knew what Alessia was alluding to in that moment - a light-hearted memory that was filled with joy, one that Lotte always cherished revisiting. Well, at least until that one evening in July. But such was the case with almost every memory involving the beautiful blonde, who was now rising from her seat. "Wait a moment, I'll be right back," Alessia chuckled. She cast one last questioning glance at Lotte, to which she responded with a smile and a nod, feeling her resistance towards Alessia weaken again in that very moment.

Despite her best efforts, Lotte couldn't deny the surge of joy that swelled in her heart when she met Alessia's gaze, knowing that they shared the same unspoken thoughts, without the need for explicit words. They had built a special bond during their time in college - living together, training together, playing together, and enjoying meals at the Indian restaurant. Still, some connections cannot be consciously constructed, they just simply exist - and right from the start, Lotte was certain that there was something extraordinary between them - and even to this day, she couldn't really believe the idea that her experience had been one-sided, even though she should know better by now.

To the astonishment of their teammates, Alessia reentered the living room a few moments later, holding a small trophy in her right hand and a certificate in her left. "First Place - Karaoke Night - Tar Heels Bar: Alessia Russo and Lotte Wubben-Moy," she read aloud, eliciting a mix of perplexed and amazed expressions. "Is this a joke?" Beth asked, laughing. "You two won like a singing competition together in college?"

Lotte couldn't help but laugh again before she said, "Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that!" Alessia grinned in response, their eyes locked in a shared understanding. "As it said, it was more like a karaoke night at the campus bar." Lotte shrugged and added, "But hey, at least there was a trophy, right? I'm kind of proud of it!" Clearly surprised by the situation but intrigued to know more, Leah asked, "How, where, why? I didn't even know you could sing, Lotte."

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