2. The Bracelet

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The night was wild and blurry and before they knew it, the sun was shining through the window. Jisung awoke first, stretching and rubbing his eyes and throbbing head. He peeked over at Minho, who was still out cold, splayed out like a spatchcocked chicken. He held in a giggle as he searched for his clothes and shoes, attempting to not disturb the sleeping wildcat. But, just as he was stepping toward the door of the wide-open apartment, Minho sat up in bed.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," Jisung quietly called out. "I wasn't trying to be rude by just sneaking out."

"It's okay. So..." Minho waited for one of the usual phrases he'd hear when his guests would leave in the morning.

"Thanks for keeping me company last night. It was fun." Jisung grabbed the handle of the door. "See ya 'round."

And with that, he left. No "call me". No "let's get breakfast". Just...gone.

Minho shrugged and flopped back onto his bed and stretched once more, relieved he didn't have to pretend the night was more than just a night. Then a thought occurred to him, causing him to sit back up.

"He probably left a note or something," he huffed to himself. Reluctantly, but persuaded by curiosity, he threw on his sweatpants and started looking around. There was nothing on his nightstand and his phone was still in place. Nothing stuck to the fridge with one of his kitty paw magnets and nothing on the counter.

"Wow, he really didn't expect me to call." Minho folded his arms. He was surprised, but he also didn't quite believe it. "I bet he left something else."

He was sure it had to be the old scheme of leaving behind an article of clothing at a date's house, knowing you'd have to meet again to have it returned. He scurried around, looking for anything that didn't belong. He crawled around the floor looking under the bed and sofa. He looked in the bathroom and even his coat closet.

Then he found it.

Near the front door sat a delicate bracelet made of tiny black beads, carelessly dropped right before leaving. Or, so it would seem. Minho picked it up and tossed it around in his hand with a smirk.

"I knew he wouldn't just leave so casually like that." He chuckled to himself and set the bracelet on the counter, knowing it'd be returned soon, somehow. Jisung didn't have his number, but he was sure the guy would just get it from their mutual friend.

Minho went on with his Sunday, enjoying another quiet, peaceful day after yet another busy night, making two in a row. Occasionally, he'd glance over at Jisung's bracelet as he walked by the counter, wondering when he'd get the call that would interrupt his day.

But, the hours passed with no calls or texts. He checked his phone one last time before bed, just to make sure he didn't miss a message. Nothing. Not from Jisung or their mutual friend, Changbin. He shrugged, a little surprised, but not enough to care.

Over the next week, Minho was busy with meetings and photo shoots, modeling with the latest skincare products. He made good money, but his favorite part was all the freebies he got from companies. He had dozens of bottles of this and that, handbags and shoes, clothing, and even jewelry. He definitely couldn't say it was hard being pretty.

However, each day that went by, it gradually kept bugging him more that he hadn't gotten a call or text about the bracelet. If the guy wanted it back, he just wanted to hurry up and get it over with. Every time he looked at it, he was reminded of Jisung and their night together, something that never happened with his hookups. He nearly threw it away more than once just to get it out of his sight. But, he couldn't seem to bring himself to do it.

Now that it was the weekend again, he just knew it would be the perfect time to finally hear from Jisung, probably hoping to meet up and have it turn into a date or something. He was prepared for the call, knowing exactly how he would deal with him. It didn't happen too often where someone would leave an item, but enough times that he basically had a script ready.

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