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"I can't wait for tonight. The Cameron's always throw the best costume parties." Alex remarks from her reclined state on your bed. The two of you had been hanging out and gotten closer. Turned out when she wasn't draped over your mans lap, she was pretty fun to hang out with.

Her circular sunglasses had been pushed up into her dark hair, a smirk playing about her glossy lips. She had an array of shirts with funny slogans on that she seemed to don on every casual lunch date you'd met up with her for; apparently her step-dad was an old fashioned prude and she just loved to piss him off with the t-shirts that he hated so much. 

Today, the shirt was a bright white with the words "DUMP HIM" written in a pale bubblegum pink. It matched her pink mini-skirt and sandals and she looked super cute. There was definitely no doubting that she could have literally anyone she wanted and she knew it too, her confidence sky high though it didn't make her any less kind or sweet to you. Maybe she still felt bad about the Rafe thing but after a hundred apologies, you didn't even give a shit anymore.

Rafe was yours. He knew it. You knew it. 

And it was fucking glorious. 

"Unless you get your ass up and ready, it won't be any fun at all. Come on. We gotta leave soon." You laugh, dusting a lavender eyeshadow over your lids as she groans and pushes herself up. The costumes had been a stroke of genius considering your newfound friend who was commanding enough of your time to make even Rafe jealous but you couldn't help but let her. She was funny and easy to spend time with, she didn't push you to talk or be someone you weren't. She just genuinely enjoyed your company and over the time spent with her, you were growing increasingly fond of her too.

Besides, her home life was pretty rocky from the snippets she'd shared with you so she was in need of distractions a lot of the time and since your dad was hardly ever home and Rafe was busy a lot, you were happy to fill your time alone with Alex instead.

You were shopping for costume ideas when this had come to your mind and you outright refused to tell Rafe, knowing the surprise would make him simply ravenous for you.

He'd been patient and you'd been pushing the limit of that patience, which perhaps was a little mean, but you could see the desire in him every time you hung out and though you hadn't explicitly said he couldn't have sex with you, it was amusing to watch him toe the line and hope you'd give it up eventually. But he kept his patience, not wanting to cross an invisible line between the two of you.

Tonight would be the decimation of that line.

You wanted him. Bad. 

But you wanted him to be the one to instigate it, because he was being far too gentlemanly for your liking and in your gut, you had the hunch that he was just itching to be anything but a gentleman to you. In the bedroom, at least. So you'd pushed his buttons a lot these past few days, yet still he hadn't snapped. 

Until tonight. Tonight you'd make sure he staked his claim on the body that already more than belonged to him.

Your skin prickled with heat at the mere thought of it, excitement bubbling in your gut and as though he could sense the filthy direction of your wanton imagination, your phone lights up with a message from the man himself.

Rafe:- Sure you don't want to tell me your costume? There's still enough time for us to match.

An incredibly unattractive snort of amusement slips free as you lift the phone to thumb out a response. 

Reply:- Okay, fine. You've got me. I've decided to go as Jason Vorhees. Want to dress up as the slutty little camp counselor with big titties that I slice and dice?

For Your Love // Rafe Cameron X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang