Part 2/3 - Testing

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Panicked, Natasha tried to rip it off only to feel a sharp sting to her hands. Natasha yelped in surprise, her head snapped up to the front desk. The young man continued to type away, he hadn't heard her. The strange humming was back now, in short bursts, and it almost sounded like words but not loud enough to be deciphered. After each burst of humming, the choker sent vibrations all around her body. Starting low but increasing in magnitude each time. Natasha squirmed in her seat, the leather creaking in response. The vibrations were strong now, spreading from her neck and all over her body. Natasha decided she had to leave, but soon realised she couldn't. She was able to push herself up, but not any further than an upright sitting position. It was as if an invisible force willed her no further. The Black Widow glanced back up at the young man, he was speaking, likely to his boss, but to her embarrassment he kept looking over at her. Was he smiling? Natasha shook herself, and focused her eyes ahead, trying to look as nonchalant as someone could in her unique situation. The vibrations seemed to have reached their peak, and Natasha almost sighed with relief as they began to slow, then stop.


The russian gasped as they started up again, more powerful, more direct this time; specifically they were directed on her crotch. Flinching in her seat, the SHIELD shuddered in place, which sent a wave of sensation up through her pussy. As she tensed against the surprise sensation, the redhead knew the choker was responsible. The choker pulsed again and Natasha was forced to bite back moan.

"Unngh, Uhh!"

Natasha trembled, eyes wide as the male assistant turned to look at her.

"Is everything alright Ms Romanov?"

"I-I have to use the bathroom!"

"Of course just out those doors and down the hall; third door on your right."

"Th-thanks." Natasha said, audibly sighing with relief as she was effortlessly able to stand and finally leave the room.

Once in the hall, Natasha walked quickly towards the bathroom; head down and avoiding the eyes of the many SI/Avengers staffers hurrying past her. When she finally arrived, she strode into a stall and locked the door behind her.

"What the hell was that all about?!" She wondered, "Did this thing really just make me cum?"

Natasha once again reached up to try and remove the collar only for the device to sting her again, though stronger this time.

"Ow! What is this thing?"

~~"It's a magic collar, darling."~~

"Wha-what, who said that?"

~~"I'm not going to let you remove it."~~

"Why! Who are you? How are you speaking to me?"

~~"Not now you dirty girl. But before I leave, how did it feel to cum in front of that handsome receptionist?"~~

"Hey I'm not a-"

~~Did you feel embarrassed perhaps, humiliated even? Maybe degraded?"~~

"Just, just leave me alone!"

~~"So bossy, I love it. You must change that however."~~

"I'm not listening to you."

~~"Stand up."~~

Natasha gasped as she stood, almost on blind instinct, for the first time that day she had felt compelled to follow the collar.

~~"Not that you could have ignored me."~~

"What? Are you listening to my thoughts?"

~~"Memories too, making the lovely Wanda run your errands because you had a lunch date.~~

"You know Wanda?"

~~"We haven't met in person yet, and won't for a while. Though I'm told she's just as deviant as you."~~

"How do you know so much? I just don't understand."

~~"Magic darling, but that's all for now, my weak little toy. Enjoy your special lunch date with Ms Potts."~~, and just like that the mysterious woman stopped speaking to her.

Unlocking the door, Natasha poked her head out, the rest of the bathroom was empty, no sign of the mysterious voice. As she left the stall, Natasha checked herself over in the mirror. She was clearly flustered and as she sought to tame her hair she recounted what the voice had said. Yes the experience of being bound by an invisible force, unable to move and forced to orgasm was certainly embarrassing. Doing it in front of a random stranger certainly made it humiliating. But did she enjoy it? No, of course not. Though being called Dirty , Weak and a Toy , by a complete stranger; that did spark something inside her. Looking over herself a final time, Natasha noticed that the collar now had a faint purple glow emanating from it.

A Powerful Position : Natasha Romanov x Pepper Potts SmutWhere stories live. Discover now