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Keynna was well aware that it would take longer than a few days to conquer the Stepstones, so she knew she would be alone for quite some time.

Something Keynna was not familiar with. Not directly or in this form. As far as she could remember, she had never been alone. There had always been someone with her, which included having someone around to look out for her and keep an eye on her.

Part of growing up was getting by on your own and standing on your own two feet, but Keynna had not been able to learn that yet, her father had made sure of that. Whether she was a Lannister or not.

The castle and Dragonstone itself were large enough to pass the time. There were countless books to read in the castle and many rooms to explore, as well as the island.

In the first few days after Daemon's departure, Keynna began to wander quietly from room to room, grabbing her first books and reading them. There was a lot to catch up on and more.

After a year and a half, there were no more unique, new books to read or maps to study, no more rooms to explore, and the island Keynna had started from turned out to be less impressive and exciting than she had assumed.

The world was so much bigger than Keynna had believed it to be anyway. No wonder so many people were drawn to the sea. There were so many small islands and probably even more yet to be discovered. Unknown places, cultures and life forms, be it animals or plants, that only a few would get to see. How many had died before they could tell of them?

No wonder there were so many stories and tales that said they were just fairy tales. Even if that was true, there had to be a grain of truth somewhere deep inside all those stories, otherwise they would not exist at all.

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