The Hybrid: Chapter Two

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"Would you just let us in?" Shepard sighed in annoyance; the turian standing guard was arguing with another human. The male human was obviously drunk and wanted to go home, but the turian wasn't allowing him to get inside. This agitated the drunk and Shepard’s presence was only causing more drama, creating the need for her to step aside, again. 

"The last time you got in here Shepard, I about lost my damn job." 

The drunk muttered and paced behind Thane and Garrus. Thane was about to pull out his pistol on the drunk human while Shepard felt like she was at her wit's end. Aria had told her about the Blue Suns disappearing in this ward and she needed to get inside. She would knock the guard out if she had to but she had no desire to; she didn't want any more drama than the drama she was getting right now. She had a mission to uphold and Garrus needs to know what is happening to his people; she feels like she has to do this for him. The guard was arguing with Shepard, causing her blood to boil. Garrus witnessed something different about Shepard: she was quick to pull out her pistol and put the barrel under the turian’s chin. Garrus smirked, loving this new side of Shepard. 

"Let us go, right fucking now." She growled. The turian in turn growled back.

"Get out of my face, human." He spat. Shepard removed the pistol from his chin and placed it back on her right hip. Garrus and Thane walked behind her; Garrus kept eye contact with the guard while they did so. All the while, the drunken man could be heard shouting profanities behind them. The guard, being pissed off already, took out his gun and shot the man between the eyes. The door shuts behind Garrus, leaving the three of them in the odd-smelling quarantine area. They walked through the slums of the quarantine zone; the smell of burning bodies made their stomachs churn in disgust. Shepard put her helmet on in hopes of being able to filter out the smell. It helped but she could still smell hints of it through the filters. The drell  ran to a nearby alley to vomit while Garrus was starting to get used to the smell. As they turned the corner, they noticed a few Blue Suns in the distance guarding a door.

Shepard held up her hand, causing her teammates to stop; they drew out their weapons. Garrus was eager to fire; he wanted these idiots to pay for what they have done and they were probably working for the doctor, too. What Garrus didn't understand was how he could still be alive as Dr. Hart died two years ago by his own hand. Garrus and Shepard found him in an underground bunker where he shot him. Why is he back? How is he back? 

"I need you to focus, Garrus," Shepard’s voice whispered into his earpiece.

"I am focused. Just give me the word and I'll kill every last one of them." 

"We need information from them first. After that, I’ll be happy and you can do as you please."

Garrus nods as Thane proceeds to hide in the shadows. Shepard had given him specific orders to find any information he could on the doctor and what he was doing with turian children.

As Thane made his way to the room, he noticed unpleasant photographs of turian and human bodies. The lights were bright in the examining room; it seemed like they were drawing all the power from the quarantine area to here and it would cause the local medical facility to be without or with very little power. There were guards surrounding the makeshift medical facility. It wasn't a big room, only just big enough for a bed, lights, and a heart monitor. On the wall to the left of the heavily guarded door were the photographs they had taken. 

"This is not looking good, Shepard," Thane whispered. 

"What's going on Thane?" She replied back. 

"Multiple guards at the door. Only one exit. There is a window, but it’s being guarded by sensors. I can try the vents if you wish." 

The Hybrid | Book 1 | Garrus | Mass Effect  ✔Where stories live. Discover now