Chapter 4 an Encounter with a Phenix + a match (part 2 of 2)

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3rd POV

Within the middle of the arena natsu dragneel can be seen tanking Risers Phoenix fire magic causing Riser great annoyance

Riser:Riser Demands you quit eating his fire!

Natsu:Not a chance! Fire dragon roar!

Natsu shouts as he a wave of fire comes from his mouth and heads towards Riser who barely avoids the attack

Over at another part of the arena the fairy queen Erza can be seen in her clear cut outfit (i think that's the name of the outfit) beating the knights of Risers peerage with ease

Erza:come now surely you all can do better as a knight

Knight of Riser 1: don't mock us!

Knight of Riser 2:Yeah we will win!

Erza merely slashes at the two knights of riser with insane speed causing both knights to pass out on the ground

Soon the knights appear in the stands on the devil side

Over with Gray the ice demon mage is seen attacking one of the rooks and one of the bishops with his ice mold making weapons

Gray:come on now at least make this worth the challenge!

Gray fires a shot from his ice mold bazooka which the bishop of riser who is facing Gray puts up a barrier to block the bazooka attack

But the barrier doesn't do anything and the bishop is seen flying off the arena

Rook of Riser 1:No!

Gray:you best pay attention to your opponent...

Gray attacks the rook he is facing off against with a ice mold Scimitar which causes the rook to take some damage

Gray:oh? So you can take a hit huh... Well that just means I can go full throttle with my attacks *cracks knuckles* prepare yourself for torture!

Up in the stands the devil's are shocked at what they see

Sirzechs:how can these humans be so powerful?

Y/N:Because they have trained together for a long time sirzechs

Sirzechs sees Y/N sitting on the part of the stands up above his position

Serafall:you mean they have the advantage because they trained your grace?

Y/N:Yes that is correct and while you devil's think that training might not be worth doing since you each have a unique power I will just say that what you believe is a bullshit lie

Grayfia:How so my lord?

Y/N:Tell me in the past Issei Hyoudou and Riser both went toe to toe for Rias gremory's freedom from the arranged between Rias and Riser correct?

Sirzechs:that is correct your grace

Y/N:And as such riser made the mistake of letting rias and her peerage train as despite Rias being new to the rating game you devil's play for political debates Issei a complete newbie to devil society was able to beat riser despite using forbidden items to gain the advantage

Ajuka:The holy water and the cross

Lady Phoenix:regardless is there a way to call out this match my lord?

Y/N:Afraid not Laura Phoenix as once the match starts it can not be stopped until one side is defeated and just know this whoever loses this match will have their existence removed forever and since riser and ravel are in the arena that means you and Phi will lose your children


Y/N:I'm sorry Laura but it's the rules and can't be changed no matter how much I don't want to remove the losing side I have to follow the Omni rules my father has set for me to a T

Y/N teleports back to his throne beside his father

On the arena floor Gajeel is seen sending multiple metal attacks at several of risers peerage members which Laxus can be seen throwing lighting attacks at the same group Gajeel is attacking

Gajeel:are these devil's this weak?

Laxus:it would appear so but in all honesty I thought they would give a challenge at least


Some time passes before all but riser himself is seen standing against Natsu and the other mages as every other member of risers peerage are knocked out

Riser:Riser demands you tell him how you beat my peerage!!

Erza:you don't deserve to know Riser

Laxus:Agreed just be prepared for your existence to be erased after you lose

Riser:Riser will not lose! RISER WILL WIN!!!

Riser tosses a large fire ball at the mages which Natsu gets in front of his group and tanks the damage from the fireball while also absorbing it

Erza and Laxus quick moves to the side of riser and quickly wound riser with a powerful combo

Gray fires a shot from his ice mold bazooka causing riser to be sent flying upwards as Gajeel appears above riser and sends a hard metal punch to risers midsection sending the devil plummeting towards the ground forming a crater

Grand Priest:And that is match! The mages win

Soon Riser ravel and the rest of riser's peerage appear in the arena with an unbreakable chain surrounding them

Y/N:Now then since Riser and His Peerage have lost the match it means that they will have their existence erased but it won't happen right away as both my father and I believe that the Phoenix children should have 10 minutes with their parents before they are erased

Zeno: Correct son so Laura and Phi Phoenix come to the arena and console your children one last time before they are gone forever

The parents of riser and ravel both nod and fly down to the arena where the two walk over to riser and ravel

Phi:so riser why did you do it?

Riser:riser does not know what you're talking about....

Phi: don't play dumb riser you know exactly what I mean

Ravel:Our hand in causing trouble and agreeing to this one sided fight is what you mean right father

Laura:Yes ravel that is exactly what your father means

Riser:Riser should not have to explain himself to his parents of all people

Laura:You do have to explain yourself riser 'you have 30 seconds left Laura' because you are going to be erased soon

Grand Priest:time is up Mr and Mrs Phoenix please return to your kind up in the stands

The parents nod and return to the devil side of the stands near the arena

Y/N as well as each G.O.D who was watching the fight all stand in front of the peerage lead by riser Phoenix

Y/N: Farewell riser ravel if you didn't cause trouble and foolishly accepted this match without at least gaining the knowledge before hand and coming forth with why you was causing trouble then you both could have been living still...gods ready?

G.O.Ds:Ready your grace!

Y/N nods and raises his right hand to where his palm is facing the chained up group in front of him as does the g.o.ds

Y/N+G.O.Ds:Hakai (Destruction)!

Soon painful screams are heard coming from the once peerage lead by the former son of the Phoenix clan

A few minutes pass which the area is now quiet as the peerage lead by the once devil riser Phoenix is no more

Y/N:That is done now then Daishikan please take the devil's back to their homes while I take the mages back to their guild

The grand Priest nods which the two deites do their respective tasks before returning to the palace of Zeno

Y/N then heads for his training room to train until he is needed again


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