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Sea Fairy feverishly moved through the water attempting to escape her perusers.
Unfortunately, no matter how fast she seemed to go, the laughter continued to echo close behind her.

"Ooo, Sea Fairy. Why are you swimming away from us~! What have we done to upset you~?"

The image of an innocent cargo boat being eviscerated by sharp waves as the cookies inside screamed for mercy flashed through her mind.
Sea Fairy never wanted any of this to happen, when she created the gem mermaids and other sea cookies. She expected them to simply keep her ocean beautiful.
She had never expected that they'd take such a liking to sinking ships and killing all the cookies on board.

She weaved through a garden of kelp and multicolored coral as her pursuers mockery and laughter slowly quieted down until she could hear them no longer.
Right, she had left the deep sea long ago...
Sea Fairy had made it to one of the cookie towns.

Thankfully none of her pursuers would be gutsy enough to follow her anymore.
They were too scared of being spotted by cookies.

Sea Fairy sighed, slowly rising from the water.
Off in the distance was what seemed to be a city, though she couldn't quite tell.

She felt weak, extremely so.
And for good reason as the gem mermaids had managed to take about half of her power.
It was no stretch to say that she had been split in two.

Sense that's quite literally what happened.
Sea Fairy had been foolish enough to fall for one of their traps.
In which the gem mermaids had used some unknown power (one that Sea Fairy knew she hadn't given to them) to corrupt her power.

So unfortunately she had to make the painful decision of splitting her form in two.
Though she saved herself from being completely corrupted, she wasn't exactly out of deep waters yet..

They now had full control over that half of her that they took.
Which meant her creations now had more power then she intended.
Which could lead to disastrous consequences.

She had to stop them, before they did anything drastic.
But in the state she was in she had no hope of ever trumpeting over her creations.
As much as she was dreading her final idea, it seemed like her only hope.

She dove back under the waves. Having finally composed herself.
She quickly melted back into the currents, allowing the water to simply move her where she needed to go (the perks of being made of water).
While this would be slower it would also use less energy making it more efficient.

She stared up at the wavering image of the moon.
She really didn't want to leave her only love and joy but it was the only option.
Not that it made the pain any better.

Once Sea Fairy reached shore, she'd crystallize her essence. Becoming a jewel.
After which she'd set up an elaborate spell to masquerade as a shop where she'd wait until a cookie she found worthy and capable enough to do what she needed came by.
There she'd attach herself to them and give them the  necessary powers to vanquish her enemies!

Or at least, that's what she hoped would happen.
To be fair she hadn't really thought this through all too well.
The thought of managing all that ran through her mind. It'd be quite the challenge to keep up with her now nerfed magical abilities.
Hopefully she'd have enough energy to keep the illusion up.

"...my moon. I hope I am making the right decision..."

The moon simply shined back, no changes or even acknowledgement that it had heard her.
Perhaps she just hadn't been loud enough.

A clownfish lazily swam past as Sea Fairy attempted to intake all the sights she could.
She'd be leaving her domain, her kingdom very soon and who knows how long it'd take before she could return.
Who was she even planning to choose?
She hadn't given the idea much thought...


While giving the role to a powerful individual might be the more obvious choice it didn't seem like the smartest choice.
After all, she had tried destroying them with brute force and that just landed her in a worse position.
So perhaps a smart cookie with good deductive skill's would be the better option.


Nah, that didn't seem right either..
She scoured the recesses of her mind for anything she could use to make this decision easier.

"Dad! Dad! Tell me, what was the great hero like?"

She ultimately landed on an old memory of a conversation between a father and his daughter.
Sometimes when Sea Fairy was bored, she'd rise up to nearby ships and eavesdrop on the cookies.
She couldn't help it! They're conversations were interesting.

"Fine. The great hero was a cookie pure of heart. Who helped anyone in need. And those ties allowed him to triumph over the evil cake witch!"

"Wow! Do you think that maybe I could be a great hero! Just like him!"

"If you remember to help others and keep pure intentions at heart I'm sure you'll become a great hero!"

If she remembered correctly the gem mermaids sank that ship only moments later.
Sea Fairy tried not to linger on the unfortunate memory.
But maybe that's what she needed!
A hero with a pure heart!
One who would help others in need!

Sea Fairy couldn't help but feel slightly happy. For once something was going her way! She finally knew what hero she needed to stop her rouge creations!

She would just have to wait, until she got that perfect feeling that her hero would be arriving soon!
Waiting wasn't exactly her strong suit but she could manage.
After all, it was to save all cookie-kind!

She stole one last glance at the moon.
It was the exact same as when she had looked at it last.
It's shine seemed brighter than usual though.
Perhaps the moon was wishing her good luck?

"I hope my great hero appears soon my moon.."

Hopefully this was the right decision.
Because failure was not an option anymore....

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