Where the blood began to pool

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1115AD - Loren Darloroth is born to a peasant woman, Faustina, and an unknown noble who fled soon after the pregnancy was discovered
1116AD - Chromis Darloroth is also born to Faustina, but is born to the local Tanner, Andrew; who stays as his father, and one to Loren.


Chromis sat in the shadows, looking down into his palm at the hunting dagger he gripped with white knuckles, stained with the first blood he had ever spilt, in his other hand, he held a deer's antler, and at his feet, lay its once owner-the mighty stag felled with a bloody gash in his throat, his blood pooled on the floor, his eyes white and devoid of life
Andrew laughed and patted Chromis on the shoulder "you've done well Chromis!" He praised warmly, his own dagger sheathed and a bow over his back alongside a quiver of arrows at the small of his back "let's see how your elder brother has got on with that boar, he's 10 now so he should've felled it with ease!" His warm and hearty demeanour was only emphasised by his appearance, with a proud beer belly and great Broad shoulders he was a giant of a man, yet he held Chromis' shoulder so soft and calmly "you've done well though. I'm very proud of you son" he said with a smile "we shall eat well!"

Chromis stayed silent, his cold brown eyes couldn't be peeled away from the corpse, he was in disgust at what he had done-but somehow, he couldn't help but smile

Through the trees a cry of a young boy echoed out

Andrew looked up, taking his bow off his shoulder "come, Chromis, let's find Loren." He ran off into the woods, dissapearing amongst leaf and branch.

But Chromis didn't look away.

Loren gasped in pain as he felt the boars tusk slice across his chest, tearing his scruffy shirt "agh!" He cried in fear, falling to the ground, his young scrawny arms fumbling to grab his knife as the boar screeched and cried in distress and fury

It raised its hooves to stamp down on Loren- only to crumble in a splash of blood and screech in pain

Andrew lowered his bow as his arrow struck the boars throat "now Loren! Finish the job!"

Loren scrambled to his feet and weakly stabbed the boar in the chest, barely able to see as the world spun "I.. I can't.."

Loren winced as the boar cried out again, this time only briefly, before being silenced with a whistle of flying steel, and a thud as it collapsed to the ground

Andrew walked over "are you okay son?" He asked gently, his booming voice ringing in Loren's head "I.. I'm sorry.. Andrew.. I failed.."

Andrew frowned, he had never once been called father by Loren. Since, he wasn't really his father. "Don't apologise my boy.. think of those doe you sent to our lord only yesterday.. you're just tired and dazed.. besides, a boar may be.. a bit ambitious at your age.."

It had been hours since the kill
But still, Chromis didn't look away
And his smile had only grown

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