Chapter 1: Rosewood

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Elsie took a breath in and out. She's usually very social but recently, she becomes anxious with the thought of being around other people. No matter how she styled her dyed red chest-length hair or the different facial expressions she tested out in her mirror, nothing felt right or pretty enough. It doesn't matter she was wearing a simple, tight, black dress and was all dolled up... there was just something that made her feel distorted in her mind. She added rings and put on a few necklaces for accessories.

Suddenly, her gaze goes to the crack in the corner of her mirror. It's not big or in the way but it catches Elsie's eyes rather often. She turned her gaze back to herself in the mirror, and stared into her own brown eyes. The girl pulled up her burgundy mesh kneehigh socks, which were falling down from her leg, from brushing against her furniture. Elsie realises something she's missing. She takes up her rosewood red lipstick from her messy desk, which the mirror is placed on and applies it to her natural, rather plump lips.
"Perfect", she says to herself.

Hey bish, are you on your way yet? It's only Eddy and I at the pub rn and it's too awkward without you
Sent 6.53 PM

Yeah I'm on my way soon. I'll be there in about 15.
Sent 6.55 PM

Ashe is Elsie's best friend in the whole world. Ashlyn (who prefers Ashe since it goes with her image better) has been friends with Elsie for 5 years and met at a party. Friends come and go for Elsie. Lovers never stay for long. But Ashe, Ashe stayed by Elsie's side all this time and they know each other better than anyone does. Ashe has always helped Elsie and as has Elsie helped Ashe.

To be frank, Elsie would've left a while ago but she's not all there for the past moments. Her eyes were just wandering around her dingy living room (which is also her bedroom) as she felt disconnected from her own body. The polaroids hanging on a string on the walls, her messy bed, an opened closet with clothes spilling out, the empty walls, a dead plant at the window... there would be so much more on the walls. Unfortunately, picture frames, posters and whatnot all cost money.

The only thing that's free is death, is almost a personal motto for Elsie. Ingrained deeply into her head. She's never been a gal with much money to carelessly spend on unnecessary things. A cruel cycle of always working hard for barely anything passed down from generation to generation to generation.

Eventually Elsie looked in the mirror again, almost taken aback by the "stranger" looking back at her, she connected to reality and time and so all she did was put on her black platform shoes that were stylish but also good to walk around in the city with, and grabbed her phone, somewhat tangled earphones (just in case), cigarette pack, wallet, keys and put everything in her black leather coat that goes down to her hips. Then she lifts up the coat and swings it around her, putting one arm into a sleeve, then doing the same with the other. Then she walked out her front door, locking it before walking down the apartment building stairs.

A/U: please let me know what you think about the story so far, thank you for reading <3

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