September 1st

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September 1st

12:45 PM

"Get back here Shu!  You're so not getting away with this!!!

"Eating all of the cheesecake that I made for everyone! Ughhh!! You...

"You should HAVE controlled yourself!! You should have DONE that damn it!!" Akemi scolded, catching up with Shu as he was fleeing from her. She grabs him by the back of his orange t-shirt, pulls him back then right when she was either going to beat him up or scold him once again.

She hears Touma and Seiji making their pass by the kitchen and just like that. Shu's thrown down onto the ground. Akemi tries to keep a cheerful face as she now sees Touma and Seiji.

Then. . .

15 minutes later


"Now that's over and done with.

"Shu! Shu!!!

"Don't you even try to escape! I'm gonna just get you again and this time...

"You're soooo gonna pay for what you did!!!

"So gonna pay!!!!"



"How about this! Because I ate all the cheesecake. I'll just make another cheesecake and I promise I won't eat it again! Okay?" 

Akemi raises a brow then sighs lightly. "Alright, fine. I can accept that. Only thing will be that I'll make sure to keep a CLOSE eye on you when you make the cheesecake. I don't exactly hundred percent trust you but that's fine I suppose."

"Yeah, it's fine totally! I mean I did eat all the cheesecake and kind of sorta told Seiji about how I caught you talking about him in your sleep... 

"Oh! Ehhh! That probably should've been shared! My bad!" Shu bursts into a fit of laughter, causing Akemi to be redder than a tomato.

Then. . .

10 minutes later



Nasutei giggles mildly at Shu's misery. Then, she dips the cotton ball back into the bottle of rubbing alcohol for a bit, then she takes it back out to apply it onto the left side Shu's cheek as severely...

It was beaten up by Akemi.



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