~Call It What You Want~

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Athena waved goodbye to her parents walking onto her new college campus, this was a fresh start for her, a new page. She walked into her new dorm room and sat her suitcase down, being the productive planner she was she moved her stuff in a week before classes, so as soon as she walked in she flopped on her bed. A girl with dark brown hair walked in and looked at Athena "So, are you Athena?" Athena felt herself blushing; she admitted to herself that this girl was attractive whoever she was. "Uh, yeah I am, are you Lucy?" "That's me, so new girl I'm assuming you're a freshman, What's your major?" Lucy looked into Athena's eyes. "Writing, I want to be an author." Athena smiled and looked down, breaking eye contact.  "I would call you basic but I can't because I'm a writer myself but I'm majoring in journalism instead of creative writing. Who knows, maybe we will have some classes together, new girl." Lucy said, sitting on her bed looking Athena up and down.  "I have a name you know, Lucy..."  "I know"
Athena walked into the dining hall, getting some dinner when Lucy saw her and waved her over. "New girl over here!" Athena hesitantly walked over and sat down next to Lucy, there were two other girls at the table.  Athena sat down and looked at Lucy and back at the other two people. "Oh, this is Athena, she's my roommate this year." Lucy said, pointing at Athena.  The girl with the platinum almost silver hair waved "I'm Phoebe, so let me guess you're a freshman here?" Athena let out a small giggle "Why does everyone say that!" "I mean it's kind of obvious, you look nervous or like you're lost, oh I'm Julien by the way." The brunette girl next to Phoebe said. The trio all looked so different from each other but they fit together like a puzzle. "We're boygenius, at least that's our band name, we hope to make it big someday" Lucy said smiling, "We all sing and play guitar but Julien plays lead guitar and she's absolutely insanely good at it, Oh my Gosh you should totally come watch us rehearse some time!" Athena felt herself blush at the fact that Lucy wanted to hang out with her and even watch her band perform. "I would love that."
Athena walked to the back door of the house that Lucy had sent her the address to, honestly for all she knew they could be planning to kill her. Well at least if she died tonight she would be wearing her best dress and new Doc Martens. She knocked barely twice, before Julien opened the door, "Hey Athena! The boys and I are downstairs getting ready to start our set." Athena walked in "What do you mean the boys and you?" Julien let out a small laugh"It's a play on words since our band name is Boygenius".  Athena nodded and followed Julien into the basement, other than the band there were three other people in the basement. "Athena! You made it!" Lucy said, sitting up and fixing her hair. Phoebe rolled her eyes at Lucy's reaction to Athena walking into the room.  "Since no one is introducing each other I guess I'll do it." Julien said, looking at everyone in the room.  "Athena, those three over there, those are our friends Katie, Jo, and Naomi." Athena waved the girl named Katie smiled at her, Naomi winked at Athena and Jo rolled her eyes "Don't mind Naomi they flirt with everyone" Athena laughed "Hey, if I see someone hot I'm going to flirt, but hi I'm Naomi nice to meet you." They stuck out their hand and Athena slowly shook it, feeling slightly like she was intruding on a hangout session.  Julien was tuning a guitar, Phoebe was plugging in amps as Lucy paced back and forth lightly singing something. "So um I guess let's get started then." Julien said laughing and then looked at Phoebe and Lucy, "This is a new one we've been working on, this is 20$" Julien started playing the intro and had lead vocals on this song. "It's a bad idea, and I'm all about it." During the song Athena felt herself looking back at Lucy a lot, Lucy smiled and looked in Athena's direction and winked, immediately going back to singing like normal. The song ended with Phoebe belting and Julien absolutely shredding on the guitar. Everyone clapped, as in everyone the other four who were there but hey an audience is an audience. "Ok so this one is literally about hating the way your mind work but also having a god complex this is "Not Strong Enough" hope yall like this one" Phoebe laughed and started playing "Black hole opened in the kitchen, every clock's a different time" When Lucy's chorus rolled around towards the ending of the song Athena sat in her chair in total awe, she tried to push down these feelings for Lucy, this was her roommate she couldn't like her.  What if Lucy didn't like girls like that, if Athena asked her out and she got rejected she would still have to live with her. The song ended and the whole band was giggly "Oh my God I love that song so much." Julien said, running her hands through her hair. Phoebe looked over at Katie and the rest of her friends "Do y'all want to come up and show Athena some of your music?" Katie smiled and looked at the other two "Guys I think we should" Lucy and Julien smiled and walked away from the music equipment, "It's all your guys for this." Phoebe nodded and handed Naomi the guitar, "So, i'm assuming you don't want me to sing the second verse" Naomi nodded their head and took the guitar from Phoebe.  Julien leaned into Athena's ear "They wrote "Silk Chiffon" for Phoebe to sing the second verse, but Naomi does an awesome job at singing it, you need to hear their voice." Athena nodded "Naomi is the one who winked at me right?" Julien nodded, "Just wait till you know them more, my god the eye contact they hold." Athena made a mental note that Naomi was the flirty one, Jo the sarcastic one and Katie being the straightforward one.  "So, for our newcomer Athena, I'm Katie, that's  Naomi and Jo. The three are in a band called Muna. This is a song called "Silk Chiffon." Long story short it's about being gay" Jo nodded as Katie talked, Naomi added in "It's about being very gay". Athena laughed as Lucy looked over at her, "This is a dancing song, so I think we should, I don't know, maybe dance together" Lucy said smiling.  Athena stood up "I would love that! Uh i mean yeah that's cool."  She didn't want to sound desperate to be around Lucy, but she couldn't help it; she had to admit to herself she was getting a small crush on Lucy.  Katie looked at Naomi and nodded as they played the opening chord on their guitar as Katie started singing "Sun down and I'm feeling lifted, downtown cherry lipstick." Phoebe and Julien were singing along as Julien pulled Athena towards her "Athena, just let the music guide you ok, don't be embarrassed." Athena smiled and nodded and danced with Julien during the chorus she looked over at Lucy and smiled, as Lucy walked over. "Silk Chiffon, that's how it feels oh when she's on me." Lucy sung the words while staring in Athena's eyes dancing with her.  "Who's ready for Naomi to take this verse!" Katie yelled into the microphone, Phoebe screamed back "Slay Naomi!"  "I'm high and I'm feeling anxious, inside a CVS. When she turns around half way down the aisle with that your on camera smile like she wants to try me on" Naomi sung added a run to the word on Athena whispered in Lucy's ear "I didn't know I got invited to a mini concert." Lucy smiled and went back to singing "Life's so fun don't need to worry about no one, she said I got her if I want. She's so soft like silk chiffon."  Athena gazed in Lucy's eyes, Lucy being bold as usual pulled Athena close as the band sung the chorus. The music played behind them and it was like time stopped.  When Katie sang "She's so soft like silk chiffon" Lucy pulled Athena in and kissed her, it was quick but Athena kissed back. "I like you, like a lot, and I really do want to get to know you more." Athena said when she pulled away. The band looked at each other as Julien nudged Phoebe, Naomi eventually said into the microphone "Get a room you two!" Athena's face turned red and Lucy giggled putting her arm around her. "Naomi shut up, you act like you weren't flirting with Athena thirty minutes ago!" Naomi rolled their eyes at Lucy's comment.
(time skip to when they are back the dorms cause I didn't know what else to do)
That night they were watching a movie together in Lucy's bed and Athena looked up and whispered "So what are we?" Lucy's gaze shifted from the laptop onto Athena "Call it what you want too" Athena smiled "I think I want to call you my girlfriend." Lucy closed the laptop and stared at Athena "Ok then.." She smiled and kissed her again. 
The next morning as they walked into the dining hall together hand in hand the whole friend group looked at each other. Julien jumped up and pointed at Jo and Phoebe "I knew it! You both owe me twenty dollars!" Katie rolled her eyes "Jo, did you and Phoebe seriously bet Julien for twenty dollars?" Naomi smiled and looked at Katie "I was on Julien's side..."  Lucy and Athena sat down as Lucy side eyed Julien and Phoebe. "I can't believe my own bandmates would bet on my love life." She pretended to start crying. "I can't do this anymore." Everyone was laughing and Athena couldn't help but smile. It felt good to feel welcomed in a group.
It had been two years since Athena had met Lucy, she had never been more in love with someone. The band was getting popular and they were playing a sold out gig tonight she couldn't be happier for her girlfriend.
The band was playing their last song and when it ended Lucy walked to the side of the stage and pulled Athena onto stage with her. "This is Athena everybody!" Athena waved at the crowd, when she turned around to look at Lucy she was on one knee "Will you marry me? Ever since you walked into that dorm I fell head over heels for you, I quite literally kissed you the second day of knowing you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Athena felt her face turn red as she nodded "Yes, of course I will Lucy!" She kissed her deeply and looked into her eyes. "She said yes!" Lucy said into the microphone as the crowd was cheering.

Call It What You Want - Lucy Dacus Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt