Chapter 2

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two weeks later
Carlos slowly waking up, he felt cramped in for some reason, he tried moving his muscles only to remember he’s bound. He felt the cold glass touching his dick. He darted eyes around the room, it take him that long to realize he was in a warehouse building. He  wriggle around the cramped glass. He turned his head to see his fellow Detectives Shane and Lucky, still sleeping inside the cramped glass bound and gagged. Him and two other Detectives only three trapped inside the glass display. “MMMMPH GRMM!” Carlos cried. Shane slowly woke as muffled under the cloth gag.

“MMMM HMMMMHPPH,” Shane muffled weakly. Shane nodded it off to sleep again. Carlos muffled under the tape gag. “NMMMPH!” Carlos wriggled around the glass case. Him struggling and wiggling was draining him out, he eventually slumps back to sleep. A few hours later, Carlos’s eyes shot open then wriggled again inside the cramped glass. “FUCK! I need to get out this fucking bondage situation,” Carlos thought. He turned his head at Lucky sleeping peacefully inside the glass. “I need to save my friends, but how?” Carlos wondered. Suddenly Shane awoken and started moaning through the gagged, then followed by Lucky who’ve awoken too. Carlos saw a figure walking in the room and groaned. “FUMMMPH!” Carlos muffled seeing Ezra standing in of his imprisoned glass.

“You look magnificent in the glass dome,” Ezra said. Shane muffled cuss words under duct tape gag. Ezra air smooch the detective then chuckled. “You must be all cramped up in your glass imprisonment for two weeks.” Carlos’s eyes wide in surprise. Did he say two weeks? Holy shit! I spent two whole weeks trapped inside the glass display, Carlos thought. Ezra smile proudly then open the glass imprisonment releasing Carlos.

Shane shook rapidly watching Ezra tie a knot around his friend’s cock and yanking him off the platform. Carlos stumbles off, nearly tripping. Ezra grinned widely. “I can’t wait to dominate you Carlos.” Carlos growled at him. Shane and Lucky wiggle around the glass display. Carlos was forced to follow Ezra to another room.

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