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"Best wish ever made, Harry Styles"

Harry leaned in again, but giving him a peak on the lips. "Damn I love you Niall" Harry whispered, looking in Niall's blue eyes. Niall only smiled at him before looking down, he can feel Harry's love for him, he wants to say it. But for some reason those three words gets caught in his throat.

"C'mon it's getting late." Harry said standing up from his spot. He brushed himself off, before helping Niall. They both walked back to the club in silence.

"Harry?" Niall spoke once they were only a few feet from the club. "Yeah Niall"

"I don't want to message you through Twitter anymore."

"Well we can always call each other if you want..."Harry trailed off, Niall sighed. "It would be great to call to hear your voice, but I would also love to see your face you know" Niall chuckled. "What are you saying Niall?" Harry asked curious of what the little blonde boy wants to say. They stopped once they were in the parking lot. "I'm saying maybe we should video chat..." Niall asked nervously

Harry looked at Niall, smiling at how cute he gets when he's nervous. "That's a great idea Niall...do you have skype?"


"I'll message you my skype name and tomorrow night if you want, we can talk." Harry said smiling, Niall smiled back and nodded.

Harry stared at Niall's eyes, studying his deep blue eyes before trailing down to his soft lips. Harry pulled Niall in by his waist before leaning down to feel his lips on his on last time before he leaves.

"If I can keep doing that all day I would" Harry breathed, he pulled away. "I talk to you later Niall" Harry said before walking away from him.

Niall watched as Harry got in his car and drive way. Niall shook his head and walked towards his car. Smiling like a idiot. When he got inside his car, he felt his phone vibrate.

Pulling it out he smiled when Harry's name popped up.

11:24 pm.


→DM from Harry Styles.←

Harry: harrystyles.94

Harry: skype name :)

Harry: I miss your lips already :(


Niall laughed, tossing his phone to the side. He grabbed his keys and turned on the engine. All his thoughts were on Harry. And only Harry through his entire ride home.


Skype Name is fake!


12:00 a.m. (Narry// sequel)Where stories live. Discover now