Akutagawa and Bones

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Do y'all slander Bones for what they did to Akutagawa??

IDGAF IF THEY MADE THE DANCING SIGZAI SCENE OR THE SOUKOKU MEMORIES (I mean, as a soukoku shipper ofc I care, but they were both important)

Akutagawa literally never smiled in the whole series, if he did, it's because it's an evil or smug grin, but he never had a kind smile. THEN, before dying... THEY MAKE HIM SMILE. That's character development. And not smile to ANYONE, to the one he swore to kill after 6 months! That shows 1 - respect for Atsushi and even more (sorry I ship sskk) 2 - the fact that he did indeed grow by not killing for months.
THEY TOOK AWAY MY BABY'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FUCKING COME ON 😭😭  and the face he made while bleeding in the anime, they're literally two different people 💀

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