"My farm house is more secluded and not even on the paparazzi's radar,"

" if the whole point if this is to keep him hidden he should stay with me" Clark said.

Batman looked at Clark with a his batman look. Dark and intimidating. Batman was a man of reason, he knew what option was better. However, he felt a connection to this child.

Danny twitched immediately attracting Batmans attention.

"He can hide out there, but he needs more protection. I'll check in and bring him to the lab from time to time to study the growth of his abilities"Batman said.

"Come with me Kent. He's going to my lab before he goes to your farmhouse"

Flash snickered, Bruce's rich side was kicking in.

"Of course, I understand" Clark said.

The two superheroes left with the child. The rest of the league departed leaving Constantine to his mess.

"I think it looks better like this-" Deadpool started to stay before Constantine forced him out and locked the doors and windows.

He could find another person to leech off from.

Batman laid the teen on his meta scanner. The medical scanner lightly beeped as it scanned his body in a steady rhythm.

"Results inconclusive, subject not compatible to meta scan" A robotic voice said.

"Hes not a meta?" Clark asked.

"No, it seems we'll have to run a few more tests." Bruce said pulling his mask off and setting it aside as he typed in his computers.

"Computer, human scan!" Bruce ordered.

"Commencing scan" the steady beeping returned.

The machines hummed as they scanned his entire body with futuristic looking technology.

"Patient has a steady pulse. Patient has been deceased for approximately two years or longer" the computer announced robotically.

"Computer, relay DNA sequence!"

"Patient DNA is contaminated with unknown substance. Removal is not possible without total destruction to patient" the robotic women's voice informed.

"Patients status"

"Patient is deceased-"

"Body condition"

"Slightly malnourished, nerves inside multiple limbs are past point of exhaustion. Multiple healed broken bones. Current bones broken, large toe, three ribs on the left side. No illnesses. Abnormal energy levels are active in the patient left and right brain. Heart is kept pumping due to outside substance contamination. Pulsing organ inside heart not found in human patients. Patient status, deceased"

Batman approached the boy and tenderly examined the said broken bones.

"Stage of healing" Bruce commanded.

"Currently, patient is healing at abnormal rates. Broken bones if patient will be healed ina proximately thirty minutes"

"Wow" Superman whispered.

Danny started to move on the table, still asleep. Bruce out his hands on Danny to keep him still.

"Patient scan complete. Ready for body disposal"

"No, cancel body disposal" Batman said looking at the boy. He could hear the boy breathing, see his hest going up and down.

Despite what the computer said, he was alive and he needed someone.

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