Sister( the begining)

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There was a time when I was a young and only child. I wish and prayed for a sibling, even going as far as fasting. I would say that this was my first step towards my faith in Christ. My mom had always told me to pray and praise the Lord as He takes care of all adversity. My prayer was finally answered when my mom's stomach began to bulge, and I had asked her if she was pregnant, to which she initially said no. However, as her tummy continued to grow, it was confirmed that my mom was indeed pregnant.

I was super happy and excited, but little did I know that when I was told to give her a name, courtesy of my Grandma, I would be faced with a tough decision. I thought long and hard, not wanting this chance to slip away. Eventually, I settled on the names Teniola and Kofoworola. People asked me why I had chosen those names, and an uncle even guessed that they were the names of my two best friends. But little did they know. Teni and Kofo were the brightest kids in the class. How they became friends with me, I still don't remember. From my blurry memory, the two would sometimes gang up on me and isolate me. I saw them as superior kids and wished I could be as smart as them so my Dad wouldn't be angry with me anymore.

Little me didn't want my sister to be scolded, so I named her Teni and Kofoworola, hoping she would be as smart as them. Looking back, I can't quite fathom why I thought in that direction.

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