"Let's do it!" Wade said enthusiastically, now with his mask back on.

"It could help, it may be a wise decision." Wonder women said wisely.

"Fortify this circle, make it stronger" Batman ordered.

"We'll need some more people here in case the demon becomes murderous" Batman said.

"I'll call them" Superman offered. Bruce narrowed his eyes.

"Call us when the circle is ready" Batman said before leaving out the window using his grappling hook gun.

John Constantine studied the portal. It was a low level portal right now, but he would need something to make it stronger.

He grabbed a locked case. Inside was a book he was sworn to protect. Because it held secrets that could tear open his dimension and destroy the universe.

Lucky for him though, even if a villain got their hands on it, they couldn't use it. They needed a conduit for that. For John was his own conduit, being the powerful sorcerer that he was.

He flipped through it's pages. One page caught his eye. On the page was the illustration of a rose like flower in a shade of deep red.

"Blood blossoms" he murmured. But they were rare and some even thought they were extinct.

He wondered if he could summon the plant.

He drew a smaller circle with white salt. Pricking his finger, he followed the instructions of the book, smearing the blood inside the circle.

The salt began to absorb the quickly drying red streaks on the floor. John lighted five candles within the circle.

There was one last thing. John tore out a piece of hair and put on top of a candle.

The circle lit up causing John to scramble back. There was a fizzing sparking flash.

John waited for his eyes to adjust to the usual light if the room and smirked at the cluster if blood blossoms.

Now he had what he needed.

Danny shivered as he walked down the street, he was still drenched and now he was cold.

Danny cursed at his luck. Or lack there-of.

He was somewhat grateful for the summons, it gave him a chance to get away from the GIW agents. Danny pulled his jacket in tighter to ward off the cool chill in the air. The eerieness of gotham made Danny feel on edge.

There were a many places to hide here. Most of the abandoned buildings were inhabited by criminals and squatters. Which is what Danny would be if he moved in.

Danny was already seen as a fugitive murdering demon. Last thing he needed was everyone out to get his human half as well.

"This so STUPID!" Danny shouted kicking some garbage into an alley.

He was tired of being seen as a murderer. Tired of seeing people talk about his human half with gentle love and curse out his ghost half.

He just wanted to be loved for who he was. But it was too late for that. Even if he went back to his parents, he knew they wouldn't be able to accept him.

His friends, forget about it. They would hate him forever. Jazz, she would probably forgive him, in time. But either way the world would fins it who Danny Fenton really was.

He couldn't let that happen. He clenched his teeth. They turned on their only heir so quickly as if he was nothing more than a ghost.

Well he was way more than just a ghost.

Danny calmed himself down, no use getting all strung up on something that he couldn't change.

Danny sighed and curled up under a shops awning. At least he would be dry. Thankfully the awning was somewhat out of sight so he wouldn't be bothered.

Danny slept fitfully all night. Horrific images played through his head. Of his human half lying dead underneath rubble while his ghost half hissed at people.

A sharp pain in his core sent him jerking awake. He woke up panting and holding his chest.

His heart stopped when he saw a familiar image in front of him. An unpleasant plant that reeked. The pain stretched over him, singing him from what felt like the inside out.

Danny screamed out it agony. He was lined by tears as he looked around him. A circle of blood blossoms was around him.

He screamed at the pain. He screamed at the blood blossoms. He screamed at the world.

Why did everyone hate him so much?

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