Chapter two - meeting the Yakuza boss

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It was early in the morning as her gray eyes fluttered open, she looked around obviously in confusion, her breath was slow and her heart rate was steady, but she couldn't move, she was connected to so many devices which seemed to tie her down.
She closed her eyes and heard the opening of the door so she opened her eyes again.

"Doctor doctor she's gained consciousness" a young nurse with green eyes and brown hair said pointing out the fact that her eyes were open, the doctor quickly took off the oxygen mask from her face and disconnected her from a few devices.
"Don't try to make any sudden movements your body needs time to recover" the doctor said calmly as he sent the nurse out to call someone.

She looked around and asked "where am I?" The doctor was happy she could still talk and ask questions "you're in a private hospital" he said calmly "hospital why?" She asked confused "you were involved in an accident so you were brought here because you were unconscious and slightly fractured a rib" the doctor said satisfying her curiosity.

The young nurse came back with a tray of medicine and some light food "I've told him she's regained consciousness he said he'll be here in the afternoon" she said dropping the tray on the table, "alright then there's no problem have her eat and clean her up before he gets here" the doctor said as he left, "yes sir" the nurse quickly answered.

As the doctor left the nurse turned her attention to the woman lying on the bed "hey there good morning how are you feeling?" she asked, "fine thank you" the woman answered, "do you mind telling me your name?" the nurse asked "Ichika Ruyo and what's yours" she answered "wow that's that's a lovely name my name is Nanami Iguro" the nurse said as she brought the food closer Ichika "thank you" Ichika said as she slowly began to eat, "no problem, after you're done with that we'll get you cleaned up since you've been unconscious for about a week now"

Ichika choked a bit on her food upon hearing what the nurse said "a week? But how?" she asked in disbelief "don't ask me, ask the doctor I'm just an intern" Nanami replied quickly "at least you're awake" she added.

Ichika ate her food in silence until she decided to ask Nanami what was on her mind "who did you tell I gained consciousness?" Nanami thought of a good way to describe him "well the person who brought you here after the accident of course he seemed to be kinda curious about your state, he paid all your bills and said he would be here in the afternoon" she answered "well I need to formally thank him for everything" Ichika said.

Nanami helped Ichika to clean up and even style her hair as afternoon approached.

Izana sat in his office trying to finish up the last of the deals as afternoon drew nearer he wanted to leave as soon as possible to see the girl he had saved that night, he never went to see her but he always called to ask about her and he was somewhat happy she regained consciousness, when he finished his work, he left the office, got into his other car and immediately drove to the hospital.

"You look really pretty Ichika" Nanami complimented the ravenette showing her a mirror "thank you Nanami" She replied "be careful or that guy who dropped you of may just fall in love with you" the young nurse giggled teasingly, Ichika rolled her eyes playfully at her "that's not how love works" she sighed "alright 'love expert' I have to get back to work I'll see you later" Nanami said as stood up and left the room wishing her new friend good luck with her meeting.

Izana got to the hospital and parked his car, as he entered the building a doctor immediately greeted him and walked him to Ichika's room "excuse me miss Ruyo may we come in?" they heard a voice saying "come in" almost immediately, the doctor opened the door for Izana, and went in shortly after him.

"Good day miss Ruyo this is the man who brought you to the hospital Mr Izana Kurokawa, now if you will excuse me" the doctor clearly stated before he left the room.

Izana took a chair and placed it next to the bed before he taking a sit "afternoon" he greeted her shortly "good afternoon to you too" she answered back nervously, she never imagined the man would be so good looking.

He looked deep into her gray eyes in silence before he continued "how are you feeling today?" He questioned "Very fine... I want to thank you for saving my life I'm forever indebted to you" she said with sincerity and nervousness, Izana looked at her amusingly before he decided to reply "I was the one who hit you that night" he stated clearly, Ichika's expression turned from that of gratitude to confusion, before she could ask any questions he quickly cut her off "do you still feel indepted to me? The person that hit you and almost took your life?" He asked as he leaned in closer to her, a smile plastered on his face, heat rushed to her face as he got closer to her "well um y-you still saved me s-so yes" she managed to stutter out, he leaned back giving her space to breathe, "alright then" was all he said before he pulled out his phone and told whoever was on the other side to get a room ready for a lady.

Izana put his phone back and smiled at Ichika "alright you'll be staying with me from now on" Ichika tilted her head slightly to the left looking at him questionably before she said "I don't understand, what do you mean?" Izana sighed "I'm sure it's your rib that's injured not your ears, so listen carefully you will be staying with me until you are fully recovered" he explained, before she could say anything two women came into the room with a wheelchair, he ordered them to dress her up and bring to his car before he left the room.

Ichika was beyond confused at the moment, she didn't understand what was happening but she didn't have the words to complain, she was dressed in expensive looking clothes and taken outside to a car which Izana was sitted, she was helped into the car, which Izana locked immediately she sat down, he smiled at her and began to drive off.

To Ichika the whole thing happened within a blink of an eye and the next thing she knew Izana had passed through some expensive looking gates and parked at a mansion.

"Ichika" Izana said snapping her out of her daze "you see those gates whatever goes through automatically belongs to me, and you just went through those gates so can you guess what has happened?" ,he asked in a teasing tone "what are you talking about?" Ichika replied as fear started to settle in her mind, he looked at her and smiled "you now belong to me" he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for her to get down "get down" he commanded, she reluctantly did as she was told leaving the car "Mr Kurokawa what are you going to do to me?" He locked his hand in hers "call me Izana" was all he said before he started to walk with her towards the mansion.

Izana walked Ichika into the mansion, it was quite luxurious and expensive, the black marble tiles, complementing the gray walls and silver outline, the furniture looked imported and extremely elegant, Ichika looked around in awe, as someone approached them.

Izana turned his attention to the pink haired man with blue eyes and diamond shaped scars on the two sides of his mouth, "afternoon boss who is this?" He asked, question drew the attention of others in the houseas  soon as Ichika realized she was being stared at she instinctively clung on to Izana who smiled and replied "mine" loud enough for everyone to hear before he started walking away with her.

"Izana will you please explain to me what is happening?" She asked anxiously, but he didn't reply, he just continued to walk pulling her along until he got to another part of the mansion where the floors were white and the walls red.

"You'll be safe from the others in this part of the mansion, since it's my personal space" he said completely ingnoring her questions, she stopped walking and pulled her hand away, she was no longer scared but angry "what's going on?" she demanded to know but he just ignored her and dragged her struggling form towards a bedroom "stop struggling" was all he said before he opened the door of a room.

He threw her on the bed and took off his coat, just as she was about to protest even more he took out a gun from his back pocket and dropped it on the vanity in the room making her eyes widen "why do you have a gun? Are you going to kill me?" She asked in fear "well a Yakuza boss always needs to have a gun, and no I won't kill you, except you make me angry, now that's a completely different story" he winked at her loosening his tie.

Ichika moved to the far end of the bed "please let me go" she pleaded, Izana walked closer to her "don't worry nothing will happen to you alright, just obey me without question and that's it" he kissed her forehead and grabbed his gun "don't leave this room" he ordered and  left the.

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