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Kenny Wood was on a business trip to New Orleans when his hotel said he didn't have a room, he went to the nearest hotel after fighting for while. The man at the hotel gave him a room and said "On the way the your room there will be one room with no number, don't go near it."
"Just don't."
The man walked to his room on the way he saw the door and, as hard as it was, he walked past it. Later that night he woke around 1:00 and couldn't fall back asleep out of curiosity, he went to door that had no numbers. He looked through the keyhole and he saw a white woman in the corner. And the next he couldn't sleep so he went back to the room and looked through the keyhole and the white woman was closer. Then on the third and final night he went to the room once more and saw all red. When he was checking out he asked the man who was in that room "Why, did you look through the keyhole?"
"Well a long time ago this people checked into the room a woman was murdered, the strange thing about people were that the were all white except for their eyes which were red."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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