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Crimson 1 laid strapped down to the hospital bed. His face was covered nearly completely in bandages, and an oxygen mask was attached over his mouth. He had been like this since they had fished him from the hell that was Prospero. He could barely register his surroundings, and he slipped in and out of consciousness regularly. But he had been given the news. They had lost. Presidia had fallen, and a ceasefire had been implemented so that Cascadian independence could be actualised in a peaceful manner. Crimson felt fury boil through his veins. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. His squadron mates didn't die, just to see the Federation ignore their sacrifice. Footsteps echoed around the plain white walls. "You have visitors" Crimson recognised the curt voice of the doctor who had been looking after him for all this time. Where was he exactly? Crimson thought he remembered something being said about the hospital being situated in one of Presidia's outlying suburbs. The ones that hadn't been touched during the battle days prior. The doctor left, and four new figures took his place. Crimson didn't strain himself with trying to identify the visitors. Too much pain for such little compensating knowledge. "" he got out. His vocal chords had been damaged by the Prospero environment, so he could only talk in drawn out and raspy words. Who would want to see him? Cascaidans? Federation officials? The list of possibilities was pretty long. "Long time no see Crimson" a male voice said. That voice, he had heard it before.


No, it couldn't be. Not them. "Hitman.." Crimson trailed off. His mind raced with fear. They had come to finish the job. Damn mercs. They would kill him while he was tied down and unable to resist like the bloodthirsty dogs they were. "The one and only. You look like you've seen better days" a female replied.

<<Sheepdogs lead the sheep to slaughter you asshole!>>

Crimson remembered Major London from before. When Crimson Squadron had conducted exercises alongside the Cascadian National Guard, her squadron had given them the best fight. "Major. I...wasn'" Crimson spat out. "Call us sentimental" Diplomat, the male, responded. Peter Kennedy. The same age as him. He remembered talking with him briefly during the Academy, he had seemed nice. "Why?". The other female present shrugged. "Monarch here wanted to see how you were. Surprised he was actually concerned about you after Prospero". Prez, the demon's assistant. The other three then responded to a gesture from their flight lead, leaving the room. "" Crimson asked. The pilot's helmet covered his face, preventing Crimson from discerning any intention from his reactions. Then, he pulled out a notepad and started writing. Once he was done, he flipped it around to show it to Crimson. I know what you went through. Crimson's blood ran hot with fury. "You...couldn't". Monarch shook his head. Clipped wings is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. If he wasn't injured or tied down, Crimson would've struck out at The Crown. The mercenary ace continued writing. They viewed their solution as expendable. Do you think they were happy when you were found alive? If the Independence Force hadn't co opted this place quickly, you would've been thrust back into a fighter and sent to die! Crimson just stared at the man, who once more continued with his writing. I know you don't believe me, and you can find out the truth yourself. But know that the Cascadian Air Force would forever have a spot open for you, should you choose. Crimson locked eyes with Monarch. "" he wheezed, disbelief present in his voice. The merc obliged, leaving Crimson alone with his thoughts. For the first night in a while, Crimson couldn't sleep. But his pained screams echoed around the soundproofed room for night after night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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