Love is a Many Splendored Thing

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Love is a many splendored thing
ah ah ah
We open on a beach. There are two people running on it, hugging each other near the breaking waves. We focus on two teenagers, a blonde male and a noirette (black-haired) female. They sit on a beach watching the sunset, snuggled together. They turn to look at each other, before leaning in and kissing. 
We change the scene to daytime. The couple are standing on the beach, near the shore. The boy is standing closer to the water, holding a camera. The girl is standing next to a sand replica of the White House. The girl slips, sitting on the sand house. The boy laughs before the girl grabs a handful of sand, throwing it at her. They run around on the beach further before wrapping their arms around each other and laughing.
We again change to the two teenagers sitting on a rock close to the breaking waves. One of the waves breaks right in front of them, getting them wet. 
We go back to the two kissing before we change to the two of them standing on the beach, talking.
"I'm going back to Australia, I might never see you again!" The blonde says.
"Don't- don't talk that way, Sammy." The noirette says.
"But it's true," Sammy says sadly. "I've just had the best summer of my life and now I have to go away. It isn't fair." He looks down. The girl pulls him down to her level, looking her in the eyes before pressing her lips to his, holding the boy there. 
"Daniella, don't spoil it!" Sammy says, pushing her away.
"It's not spoiling it, Sammy, it's only making it better," Daniella says, holding Sammy close.
"Danni, is this the end?" 
"Of course not. It's only the beginning."

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