Chapter 1: Memories Of Midnight Skies

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I'm waiting for you, throwing pennies, making wishes. I'm wishing only for you, always for you. Come back to me. I'll fight for you, I'll fight for us. Wish for me too and I'll make it come true. I love you forever and longer.

~ Keisuke Baji.

To Keisuke Baji, in the realm of beauty, where contrasts meet in harmonious convergence, Nana Osaki always stood as a masterpiece woven from the threads of both ethereal beauty and indomitable spirit. Her form mirrored the grace of a proud willow tree that carried the refinement of a dancer's line combined with the grace of a warrior, swaying in harmony with the wind yet resilient in its stance against the world. Her frame, tall, slender, and lithe, was akin to a sculpture carved by the hands of ancient deities or the brushstrokes of a master artist, an embodiment of elegance and poise that spoke of strength that knew no bounds where every inch of her figure spoke of delicacy, grace, and quiet resilience, creating a tapestry of captivating contrasts, commanding attention without ever needing to demand it while drawing the eye as if it were captivated by a masterpiece.

Her eyes, reminiscent of twilight's embrace and ancient amber, held the soft glow of brownish amber hue with a hint of shimmering gold, like the first rays of sunrise kissing the horizon, capturing the essence of forgotten stories within their depths. They were windows to a world steeped in wisdom, kindness, and understanding, their depths holding the stories of countless souls and the compassion that fueled her every action, inviting those who would look into them to wander into the vast expanse of her soul; eyes that held secrets and stories that shimmered in their warm, brownish gaze. A golden aura enveloped her gaze, a silent whisper of her inner fire and a reflection of the light she carried within. Those eyes, like pools of liquid sunlight, possessed the power to unravel the mysteries of the human heart with a single glance. Her gaze was an open book of empathy and understanding, drawing others in with an allure that was both enchanting and comforting.

Flowing from her crown like midnight rivers, a cascade of jet-black silk framed her countenance in an aura of paradox and temptation, a testament to the night's embrace and the juxtaposition of strength and vulnerability that resided within her. Her hair, smooth and lustrous as moonlight on water, fell like a silken waterfall, draping her shoulders with an air of mystique as if the starlit heavens themselves had woven into her hair, each strand whispering tales of moonlit adventures and dreams woven in the night. It was a river of mystery that danced with every movement, shimmering with an alluring charm. The touch of her hair was like a kiss of silk against the skin, a tactile embodiment of the elegance that graced her every gesture. Her hair was not just a mere accessory but an extension of her essence, a testament to her resilience and the smooth, confident stroke with which she painted her life. It was as if the night sky itself had intertwined with her strands, forming an intricate tapestry that captured both the enigma of the cosmos and the radiant allure of a starlit night.

Her skin, kissed by the sun's gentle touch, bore the warm hue of ivory, a radiance reminiscent of the first blush of dawn and the moonlight softly dancing on a tranquil lake. It was a canvas that portrayed not only the beauty of her exterior but also the tenderness and warmth that resided within her heart, reciting a story of endurance and grace. Her complexion, unblemished and pure, seemed to carry the touch of a thousand whispered blessings, forming a canvas upon which the brilliance of her character shined through. It was as if her skin absorbed the glow of the world around her, emitting an aura of warmth that enveloped those fortunate enough to be near. And those enviably long eyelashes that framed her eyes were like the fringes of curtains that unveiled a grand performance, hinting at the secrets hidden beneath. Just like a delicate porcelain doll, untouched by the hands of time, her complexion was unmarred, evidence of the purity of her spirit and her unwavering commitment to self-care.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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