The Current. (Re-written 🤯)

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As usual Kwazii, Peso, and Captain Barnacles are out on a mission.
Peso and Kwazii are in the GUP E, and Barnacles is in the GUP A.
The mission was a complete success!

"Great work today everyone!" Barnacles exclaimed.

"Thanks, Cap'n!" Kwazii said back.

Peso remained silent just looking out the windshield of the GUP E.
It is currently 11:00 AM.

"I'd say it's getting rather late. Why don't you two head back to the Octopod, I'll eventually head back too." Says Barnacles.

"You got it Cap'n! We'll head on home and see ya there soon." Kwazii says with enthusiasm as usual."

"Huh? Oh yeah...we'll meet you there Captain..." Peso says as he sounds a little startled.

Peso goes to the controls of the GUP E, and drives off towards the Octopod.
Barnacles just stands there inside the GUP A for a moment thinking.
He eventually looks out the GUP A's windshield and notices something.
It looks like a current, but it doesn't look like a normal one.

"What if I just get out and take a look...? Yeah..! What could go wrong!" He thinks to himself.

He presses a button on his collar and activates his helmet.
He opens the hatch on the floor and jumps out of the GUP A.
He slowly swims over to this weird "current."
He's suddenly pulled underwater by this "current."
He begins to panic as he gets pulled further...and further...and further...underneath the water.
He suddenly feels like his head weighs 1,000 pounds.
This is not how currents are supposed to work.
Is this even a current?
Before he could get a thought in...SPLAT
His head explodes all over his helmet.
His helmet is now filled with blood and brains.
Some blood even seeps out of his helmet slightly leaving a small red trail as he continues being pulled down.
He stays motionless as the "current" continues to pull him underwater never to be seen by his crew, friends, or family again.

He stays motionless as the "current" continues to pull him underwater never to be seen by his crew, friends, or family again

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You know damn well I had to rewrite this omg...IT WAS SO BAD BEFORE 😭 anyway enjoy this cursed image as I put the old one underneath this.

It was a quiet evening in the Octopod.
Kwazii, Peso, and Captain Barnacles were out on a mission.
The mission was a success, but Kwazii and Peso were instructed to go home.
They left in the GUP E waiting for Barnacles to return home when ready.
Barnacles remained inside the GUP A just staring out of the windshield into the ocean. Suddenly, he sees something that catches his eye.
"What the bloody hell is that...?" He thinks to himself.
It appears to be a strange glowing thing. He exits the GUP A, and swims closer.
Upon swimming further he is dragged down by a current.
Unlucky for him, he didn't have his deep sea diving suit on.
The farther he got pulled down the more pressure was applied.
But the pressure wasn't applied to his was applied to his head instead.
Without time to react his head exploded inside of his helmet getting blood all over it.
Blood has splattered all inside his helmet as well as brains.
Some blood is even dripping out of helmet.
He continues being dragged down by the current never to be seen by his crew, family, and friends again.

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