Section 1

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Too tired to get up, hungry and hurting. It has been an hour since he was in the room with you. Back then you would have tried to get up but not anymore. All you wanted to do was sit there, and that's what you did. If you were lucky he would leave you alone for the rest of the night, but has luck ever been on your side? If it was, you would never have married this horrible man. You would be happy, healthy. Safe. But you weren't, you married that horrible man, you were hungry, hurting. Far from safe. If only you had started on dinner a few hours earlier. You wouldn't be in this situation. Your husband wouldn't have laid a finger on you today. "Dinner should've been ready when I got home!" he screamed at you. Those were the words he yelled before he hit  you. All you wanted was a savor. A person to get you out of this mess, someone to help you and that person would come soon, you could feel it or was it just a delusion?

You let your eyes rest knowing that if you don't sleep now you won't be able to sleep at all. You were awake for most of the night, on edge from the fear of him coming back into the room. You think about how you met him as you drift off to sleep, how you got yourself into this mess. You were walking through town, looking at all of the stands. You were out buying some fabric to make an outfit for your mother. She was a sick woman and her birthday was coming up, you wanted to make something special for her birthday. Fearing that it could be the last you celebrate with her. Your father wasn't a good man either, better than your husband though. Anyone could be better than your husband. As you were walking you bumped into someone. Falling to your butt you instantly panicked. "I'm so sorry I was just thinking about something and didn't see you in front of me-!" You rambled on to the person that you bumped into.  "Oh no , I'm sorry."  you heard a melodic yet gruff  voice say over yours.  As you look up you see a man standing over you,  he offers you a hand and you take it. Mistake. Helping you up, you could feel his hands, they were large but soft. As he let go it broke you out of your small trance,  "I'm so-" *CRACK* A loud sound woke you from your melancholy dream. You look around frantically, breath heavy. It was almost morning, you could see the sun starting to come up from the horizon. Knowing that you would have to prepare breakfast before he woke up, you started to make your way to the kitchen of the house, pondering what you would make. Walking into the kitchen you look around finding something to cook. You would need to go to the market today to get more things. You cook up something quickly not knowing when your husband would be awake plating the food you grab a bit for yourself and you quickly eat the small portion you got. Waiting at the side of the room for the husband you hear footsteps from a hallway.
The man walks in and looks around, "At least you made breakfast." He sneered at you. You bow your head, showing that you were sorry for your mistake. "It will never happen again, I promise sir." You try to say without stuttering out of a bit of fear. "Good." The response was cold, a blow to your composure. You flinch a bit, ashamed. When he finished eating he got up and started for the door. "I have work now, dinner better be done the moment I step through that door y/n." His voice was a snarl, you wanted to cry but you held on. He stepped out of the house and you let out a breath. Oh how you wanted it to all stop, it has to. As much as you wanted to sit there, you got up and got ready to go out.
Walking out the door, a cold chill hits you. You hug your coat closer to you, trying to keep yourself warm. You walk down the snowy path to town. Admiring the white of the forest, breathing in the crisp morning air. It was peaceful, and you liked it. "The walk should be around thirty minutes," whispering to yourself. Houses pass your field of vision every few minutes, the wind was blowing a bit harder now. Snuggling into your coat, you march on. "Ah-!" Tripping down the path you let go of your coat for a second to regain your balance. Then a gust of wind blows particularly hard. The wind carried your coat off of your shoulders and into the woods, "No.." Without the jacket you were getting a lot colder, you had to catch it. Walking off of the path you trudge through the snow. As you go deeper into the woods, the trees start to obstruct more sunlight. It just got darker and colder. You look for another minute or so before you spot your coat on a tree branch, you quickly run up to the trunk of the tree looking up. "Oh.. oh no that's too high up." You jump up and try to reach it but to no avail, you were just too short. Grumbling to yourself you keep trying, until you feel something press against your back, or someone. You pull your hand down and make yourself smaller. "Need help with that?" The person reaches up and grabs your coat, gently placing it around your shoulders. The stranger grabs both sides of your waist and turns you around. Now that you could look at this person, you couldn't help but stare at him. He was tall, a lot taller than you. His hair was long and a really light blond, almost white. You could see he had a nice build through the tight shirt he was wearing, he had a black overcoat that reached close to the ground, and his eyes. His eyes were gorgeous. Entrancing, they were colorful, like a rainbow. "Thank you." You murmured to the man in front of you. "No Problem," he pulls you into him, "what is a lady like you doing out here in the woods?" His voice, oh his voice was perfect to you. How you could listen to it forever. "I lost my coat." Muttering out. "It's cold, where are you headed?" His smile was charming, answering back, "I was going to town, I will be on my way now.." Voice a bit more confident now. "Thank you... again." "Of course, I'll walk you back to the path." With a hand on your back he walks with you to the path you previously strayed from. "Don't stray again, you don't know what dangers could be in the woods~" he said looking into your eyes, his smile wide. His voice playful. "I do have to go now," He grabbed your chin in his hands. "Ah-" Your eyes widened. His smile only growing. "Can I get your name?" Getting shy you look away from his eyes. "Doma.." Ohh~ you loved his voice. "Doma" The names rolled off your tongue. He got closer to your face, "perfect." He lets go of you, turning around. As he walked away, back into the woods you couldn't help but stare. He was captivating, charming. Turning away yourself you continue down your path. You did lose some time, it would be best if you hurry you could not risk being late for dinner again. You pick up your pace. "Doma..." You kept thinking about him. Hoping you could see him again, you continue on your walk. Your spirits were definitely better. You smile to yourself. "Doma" you say again you keep walking until you make it to town. You would have to be quick, you couldn't risk another beating.

Words: 1346

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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