Well I've been away for so long (So long) I've been away for so long (So long)

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Well I've been away for so long (So long)

I've been away for so long (So long)

I've let you go for so long.

this is all based off some stories i've read! so pls, do enjoy..

Joey had just moved out of his old house in des moines he and his mom had traveled to north carolina, where he meets someone interesting


Joey had been walking for hours, he decided to go out into the woods and walk around, before he knew it though he was lost.

He looked around noticing that it had been turning dark, as he was walking a(n) owl had swooped in and he gasped flailing his arms around trying to swat it, the owl hadn't even touched him. he had grabbed a tree branch trying to catch his balance, suddenly once he let go startled the branch had hit him in the face.


He fell down and winced, he put his hand to his face as he wiped he felt his hand wet

He stood back up processing everything that had happened.


As he kept walking he saw as fog had begun to appear, he hadn't realized it but he had walked into a graveyard. As he was walking he stumbled and slumped over a grave "oof.., jesus.. it's so dark.." he stood up catching his breath, as he stood up something had peered behind him, he turned around slightly seeing a lanky figure in front of him, (oh shit..) he thought to himself, he heard a dark voice, coming from the person in front of him. "Hello... who are you?. Why are you here?" He wanted to scream but nothing came out.


"I-i'm natha- wait.. no sorry i meant, joey. Joey j-jordison.. and um.. I'm here 'cause uh.. me and my mom just moved here.. and i decided to go and walk around here." The shorter man(joey) looked up at the boy, it was hard to make out what he looked

like considering its dark, "joey hm?. M'names Wednesday." Joey smiled, "like the girl?" Wednesday nodded. "exactly.. like the girl" "so, you're basically lost. but.. if you wanna you can stay at my place for the night and call your mom to see if she's home or anything." Joey smiled once more "that'll be great!, wait.. you're not basically kidnapping me right..or killing me"

Wednesday stared at Joey for a few minutes, "of course I'm not kidnapping you, and I'm not killing you. you would've already been dead silly."

Joey smiled, "then alright, i'll go with you"

Wednesday smirked as he began to walk out of the graveyard.

Joey followed, he'd try to keep his pace next to wednesday.

He thought to himself (would it be wrong if i hold his hand? No. I shouldn't we've just met.. it would be weird. Oh well.. just, keep walking.)

Wednesday noticed Joey beside him had slowed down his pace.

"Are you coming or not?" The smaller male looked up at him, "wha- huh- oh.. sorry i was- just spacing out." Wednesday smiled "it's alright. No need to apologize, you were just lost in your own world."

Well I've been away for so long (So long)  I've been away for so long (So long) Where stories live. Discover now