"Wha- hey! S- Shiro! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be hiding!"

She whined and pouted and hit at his arms as he spun her around in his embrace.

"No way! Hiding is so boring! Hugging you seems way more fun!"

She whined again and turned in his grasp. Her face tilting up as she tried to glare at him, but to Gojo she just looked too cute while trying to be angry. It made him want to pinch her cheeks which was exactly what he did when he let her go.

"Uwahhh! Shiroooo!"

He couldn't help but to laugh and when he finally let go of her chubby cheeks, she started to laugh too. The both of them shoving and pushing at each other until they were falling to the ground and having fun.

Gojo feverishly wished he had this back in his first life. Wished he found her sooner back then. But this would do. He could be content with this.

And as night fell, the two would wander around the city until they came upon a lake. Gojo childishly pushing her as she would fall to the ground on her back and he would follow. The two smiling at one another as the dark sky and stars and moon hung above them.

"You know Shiro.."


He turned on his side and propped up on his elbow. His cheek resting in his hand.

"You remind me of the moon!"

"The moon," he questioned, "but what of the sun! Thats much brighter!"

She shook her head, "mm, at first you were the sun.. someone I couldn't even look at without getting blinded, but..," she grinned and lunged for him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she tackled him into a hug, "but when I got to know you over these past few months I realized you were more like the moon! Still untouchable and impossible to reach, but someone I can look at and admire without getting blinded!"

He was surprised by the hug, her explanation, and the heat creeping up onto his face. His arms were quick to encircle her waist as he hugged her back.

"Well.. if I'm the moon then you can be the earth!"

"Huh?! Why am I the earth all the sudden?!"

She pouted as she looked at him and he couldn't stop his grin from forming, "cause i want you to be the world i revolve around forever and ever!"

She let his words sink in before giggling, the two resuming their playful pushing, shoving, and tickling as they rolled on the ground like two kids rough-housing.

"Ok! You can be my moon and I can your world! Deal?"


Yeah, Gojo wanted this to last.

However, he realized his mistake a bit too late. Because in the next few days. She would be gone.

Well, he didn't realize she was gone at first. In fact, that next morning he woke up on the good side of the bed. He was smiling and thinking of yesterday where it was just him and y/n and no other kids ruining their moments together.

"Are you going out again young lord?"

Urumei asked him like she always did, she was, of course, his retainer. When she first took on the job, she thought it would be hard watching over the young lord since he had the six eyes and the biggest ego to boot. However, overtime she noticed that once you leave the young lord alone and let him go on about his business - he is actually quite easy to handle.


Urumei smiled politely, "are you going to see y/n again?"

"As always."

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