first sight.

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10:00 am

( Vivianna's pov)

Practice went horribly, I recently twisted my ankle so obviously I was benched.

my dad was the coach of the women's Portugal team, I guess having him is nice but sometimes, hell no. we've been at this field since 7:00 am this morning, my dad insisted that I come and look at the other girls on our team practice, that shit irritates me, he is always comparing me to other players when I'm the only player on our team basically keeping us a thing, my dad only allows "good" girls to join, which obviously he doesn't know what good soccer players look like.

my dad and I do not get along, he and my mother separated years ago when I was 13, I went through a hell of a time, I had major depression and I really only distracted myself from it by soccer, but he never let me leave the house so I practiced in our basement, luckily when my brother ethan came to visit he would normally ask what I would like to do for the day and I normally said soccer or just watch movies at his house.

my dad isn't the psychically abusive type but he is more of the mentally abusive, it's been like that my whole life except  he was physically abusive towards my mother which led to the divorce, I really miss my mother but I haven't talked to her since the divorce, she didn't want to get pregnant with me, I was a mistake of course.

my brother Ethan was planned and was and still is the favorite child.


( Ethans pov )

I picked up Vivi since it is a day when we hang out and just talk about life, I knew she liked these days and she also liked getting away from our father, She had soccer practice today but she told me that our father benched her, we are in the car jamming to music.

"What's your favorite song, Viv?" I said looking at her

"the color violet by Tory Lanez," she said looking at me and pulling her phone out to show me

5:00 pm

(vivianna's pov)

Ethan dropped me off after we had just driven all around Portugal, I knew Dad was going to get mad if I stayed after 7:00 pm, I just got home and went through the front door, I here talking it sounded like my Dad and some other dude.

I put my shoes down on the shoe rake and started walking towards the kitchen, both of the guys looked at me, one was my dad and the other was this brunette-haired man with deep chocolate eyes, and I won't lie he was a little attractive but why was he here?

"Vivianna, this is joao felix."

I've heard of Joao Felix before he plays for the men's soccer, but why was he here and why was my ad talking to him?

"I have arranged a marriage for the both of you, it will help your guy's social platform and get you more followers."

As soon as I heard him say that I wanted to snap.

"What do you mean an arranged marriage? I have no clue who this guy is, and I don't really want to know who this guy is, you are always controlling what I fucking do." I blurted out rudely

"Don't yell at your dad Vivi, plus you can get to know me" Joao said as he was smirking

"hell no, I don't know who the fuck you are Joao but I am definitely not marrying you."  I was pissed, it's like I'm my dad's little fucking puppet.

"Relax Vivianna Joan Elizabeth, it's only for a year, and you are marrying him no matter what, and you moving in with him tomorrow."


"Yes, tomorrow."

sorry this is so shitty 🥲

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