Part 13

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Gwen's POV

I forced a weak grin. "That went...well?"

Hobie looked at me incredulously before turning around and walking back to the dorms. I followed him, wincing slightly.

I'm a jerk.

In the dorms

I sat at my desk with my fingers touching. I tapped them together as I looked at the scraps of cloth in front of me.

Beep, beep, beep.

The clock next to me chimed.

3:00 am, it read.

My eyes itched and my head was heavy; I just wanted to go to bed. But even if I did, I would be sleep-deprived when I woke up the next morning.

I had just been sitting here, facing the material Cameroon had oh so generously bestowed upon me (I genuinely am thankful, he helped out a lot) for the last 5 hours.

Gayatri had come in, showered, brushed her teeth, done her homework, studied, and fell asleep, and all that time I was just sitting at my desk, squinting at the spandex in front of me by the dim light of my desk lamp.

For the umpteenth time, I reached out my hand and tugged on a random piece of fabric in front of me, thinking that maybe this time, it would be a different color or a different pattern; even though I had gone through every last half-finished costume in the pile multiple times.

And this time, I pulled out none other than the third costume Cameroon made for me – a black and white body suit.

This one was actually the closest to what I wanted, but I felt like it was missing...something.

But I couldn't put my finger on it.

Looking at the suit now, I still felt like it had something missing from it – otherwise, it would be perfect.


I stared at it for a few moments...

Before I was hit by a HUGE brainstorm.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, clutching the suit to my chest.

Maybe it was because it was 3:00 a.m., or that I was sleep-deprived, but I was seeing this costume in a whole new light.

It had a lot of potential.

And I was going to use it.

3 hours later

I sat back from my creation with a huge smile spreading across my face.

Through a lot of blood, tears, and cursing, I had finally completed my costume.

I added a pink and turquoise trim underneath the arms, as well as a spider mask and a hood.

(Please bear with me, I don't know anything about clothes designing L. Just imagine her original costume from ITSV)

My fingers were numb, and I hadn't slept for 2 days, but it was worth it.

I had a killer costume, and besides, I was running on adrenaline now...which was probably why I decided to take my new suit out for a swing less than twelve hours after learning how to shoot webs.

I put on my web shooters, pulled on my suit, and threw my hood over my head. I put on the turquoise Chuck Jordans I stole from Hobie and finally, my look was complete.

I checked myself out in the full-body-length mirror Gayatri and I had in our room.
And honestly?

This suit was worth it.

A Tale of Two Spiders [BEING REWRITTEN ELSEWHERE]Where stories live. Discover now