Archer straightens as Jett's eyes continue to bore into his, clearing his throat before he asks, "Is there a problem?"

"Actually, there is. Stop waiting outside of Carmen's door every fucking night. You're a cop. It'd be a shame to have to file a report against one of the station's beloved officers."

Archer clenches his fists at his sides. "How the hell do you know I've been hanging around there?"

"Does it matter?" Jett takes a step closer. I step between them, watching the staff members outside the glass walls direct their attention on us. "Stay away from her, and we won't have a problem anymore. Simple as that."

"And if I don't?"

"Okay, the both of you are starting to cause a show. Go measure your dicks someplace else and get out. I'm not having a fight in my office."

Jett cracks a smile and cocks his head to the side, analyzing Archer like a cat would a mouse. "Trust me when I say you won't want to find out, Arch. You better get going."

Archer scoffs. "You don't even know the truth."

"Oh, but I do, and you're an absolute idiot for dumping her. He's got two seconds before I punch him in the face, Lincoln. Get him out of here."

My brother is pressing against my hand as I try to hold him back, and Archer must sense the warning because he lets out a scoff and disappears without another word, throwing the door closed behind him and rattling the walls.

All of my staff members, including Margo, watch him stride briskly for the elevator in complete silence.

I've only seen Jett like this once before, and it was when we were at a summer camp as teenagers. One of the older guys in our bunk was talking shit about our game of soccer the day prior and wouldn't shut up about it. In Jett's defense, the guy was a douchebag, and I let him slug him one before I held him back, just like I am now.

I wait until the elevator doors close behind Archer before I release him. "What the hell was that about?"

He shrugs, fixing his cuff links and slimming down his slicked-back man bun that hasn't moved an inch out of place since he's gotten here. "I don't like guys who mistreat women."

"And Archer did something to Carmen?"

He shakes his head. "He didn't do anything to her, but he said some fucked up shit that wasn't right."

"And you know this how?"

Jett narrows his eyes for a brief second before replying, "At Mom's gala. I was dancing with her, and she told me about it."

"Hm..." I've known my brother for years. He's always had a good grip on his temper. The only reason for him to get red in the face and practically punch my best friend into next week would be because he cares about her, and if that's true? It's almost worse than if my mother's theory about him using her to get his half of the shares is correct.

But I can't tell him that Mom is suspicious. Maybe he's a good actor and started this fight with Archer to try and convince me that he likes Carmen. With Jett, I never know what's up his sleeve.

"Are you dating her?" Sienna told me how oddly happy Carmen was at their lunch date a few days ago. I was in complete denial about them being together, but after witnessing how angry my brother just got, maybe something has transpired.

"I don't date anyone," he replies. He leans against the edge of my desk, crossing one ankle over the other. "But I'm not going to let him treat her like that. Or any woman for that matter."

"Right," I drag out the word, clearly not believing him.

Glancing down at the desk, Travis's report is staring up at him, and Jett takes the opportunity, skimming it before I can snatch it away. "That's Sienna's ex," he observes. "The guy in the crowd at Los Angeles."

"And it's none of your business," I seethe, holding the file close to my chest so it's out of his view.

"I might know some people that could help," he says, and for once, it seems like he actually means it.

"What kind of people?"

"The kind you don't associate with. People who handle crime in different ways than cops."

I roll my eyes. This is exactly why the company won't fall into his hands. "I don't need gang leaders or drug dealers from whatever club you attend in on this investigation. I'm not even supposed to have this file in the first place." I also won't tell him that I'm tracking all members of Travis's family as we speak. Letting that piece of information fall into his hands could cause me a world of trouble.

He inspects his nails as if he doesn't have a care in the world. "Have it your way, then. Just thought I'd offer."

"As if you'd ever offer me help without needing a favor in return."

A flash of an emotion that's unreadable passes across his face, and if I'm not mistaken, it's almost like he's...hurt that I'd accuse him of such a thing. "Right. Because I'm such a self-loving ass that I wouldn't want to help capture the man stalking the woman my brother is head over heels for. How could I forget?"

I try to reach for him, but he's out the door and heading for the meeting before I can. 

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