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LilyLovesCanada Well hi again! I know you may all hate me but......*hands princess dress's in pink* Now I dare you to play Danagn Ronpa and wear the dress's or else ^^ (Try and attack me and you get turned into a Easter egg. Until the others finish the game xD)

Everyone: OH COME ON!!!!

Me: *Looks at pink dress* I hate pink! >:(

Golden flumpty: Wh-wh-what? Why is she wearing that dress. I-I-I *faints*

Flumpty: umm I don't look good in pink.

-a few hours later of playing Danagn Ronpa-

Flumpty: Ok that was weird. And I'm wearing a dress.

Me: yeah you look weird in that dress 0_0

Golden flumpty: just get out of that dress before I faint again.

Me: shut up! -_-

Grunkfuss: can we kill her now?

BBB: can I eat her?

Me&flumpty: NO!

Flumpty: wait did she said something about- *gets turned into an Easter egg* dang it!

Authors note: Ok that's was weird, but funny. Man flumpty got angry that he turned into a Easter egg. XD Ok I didn't want lily to get killed by the others because she's a human like me. Golden flumpty: Please get out of the dress! Me: It's stuck......idiot voice. Anyways hoped you enjoyed! Golden flumpty: DO SOMETHING PEOPLE!!!I'M ABOUT TO FAINT AGAIN!!!!!!

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