Chapter 15 - Charades

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"Prince Friedrich... I do not wish to further reminisce upon the fact that I did indeed choose my husband's proposal over yours. I believe that one should glance towards the future and not the past... I am sure your wife feels the same way." Daphne stated quite coldly, but quickly put on some sort of smile. "I mean no offence, of course. You were nothing but gallant, lovely and understanding towards me two years ago! But the past is indeed in the past, Your Highness."

"Of course." The prince replied after a short pause during which he had been blinking his eyes furiously. "You are quite right, Your Grace." He said a bit more sharply, but nevertheless gave her a polite little bow. "I shall bid you goodnight."

"Goodnight, Your Highness." Daphne answered with an equally polite curtsy and continued her trudge up the stairs towards the smoking room, in order to find her husband.

Kate prattled happily on with her guests in the drawing room, but glanced a bit worriedly at Edwina who looked quite glum, probably because she had not been the first one to guess at any round in the charades, even if her knowledge of the British ton was fairly good.

"I am starting to feel rather tired as well." Edwina suddenly announced and stood up. "I must go and find my husband, as we still have a lengthy carriage ride back home." She declared and – much like Daphne – dismissed Kate's offer to be escorted upstairs, so Kate stayed with her guests and Edwina stepped into the large hall alone. She was just going to call out for her husband when she noticed that he was standing in the staircase, but then she realised he was already talking to someone – and that someone was nonetheless than the Duchess of Hastings herself. Edwina tried to swallow down the big, painful lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat. Surely there was nothing to worry about? It was common knowledge that Friedrich had been courting Daphne two years ago, but Edwina had convinced herself that it did not matter and the prince simply had not yet met the love of his life – her. But now, seeing the two of them talk privately and Daphne flashing such friendly smiles at him, it certainly woke a whole new kind of boiling jealousy inside of her. Like in some horrible nightmare she walked in sticky slow motion, silently as a cat towards the staircase. She had to see. She had to see that there was nothing to worry about, that she had simply imagined it all. But instead what she saw was that look, that damned look she knew all too well. Not in Daphne's eyes, to be honest, but in her husband's, when he watched her leave up the stairs. It was that same cursed look Edwina had seen in Anthony's eyes at the altar, when she was about to marry him. And just like that look, neither this look in Friedrich's eyes was directed towards her...

The same hopelessness, shock, anger and utter feeling of betrayal she had felt at that altar rushed up and raged inside of her again, but this time it was much worse, because this time the man was actually married to her and to make matters even worse, she was bearing his child. Despite being almost blinded by her frantic emotions, Edwina realised that Friedrich was coming downstairs towards her and she simply could not face him right now. So, she quickly rushed into what she expected to be an empty breakfast room and rapidly shut the door behind her, leaned her back against it and breathed heavily with her eyes closed and stinging of bitter tears.

"Your Highness...!" A male voice suddenly cried out from the room. Edwina winced and opened up her eyes, just to see that the room unfortunately was not empty, but she had in fact startled a baffled-looking Colin Bridgerton, who had been writing a letter by the fireplace.

"Mr Bridgerton...!" Edwina exhaled. "I am so sorry, I did not think anyone would be here..."

"It is quite alright, Your Highness." Colin smiled at her, still looking a bit taken aback.

"No, it is not... I do not wish to disturb you any further... I shall leave." She stuttered and turned towards the door.

"No, stay...!" Colin exclaimed, quite unexpectedly. "You are clearly upset, what is the matter?" He wondered and took a few cautious steps towards her. "I hope all those speeches about Anthony choosing Kate over you did not make you afflicted..."

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