Unknown Demon

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The next morning you woke up and resumed your thoughts. You made breakfast and ate before taking a walk down to the village. You bought a hairbrush and a new kimono. You then went back up to the house and changed your clothes before brushing and restyling your long brown hair. Your hair was a darker shade of brown and turned green on the tips. After restyling it you felt much better. By this time it was about time for lunch because the trip to the village was a bit of a walk so it took time. You made lunch and thought again while you ate. "I wonder, if I stay here would I ever have trouble with other demons? If Akaza protected me before, would he do it again? Low-rank demons would probably stay away but what about the other Kizuki? What am I thinking?! I still don't know if I can fully trust him yet! But how would I ever know?" You thought for a moment. "If I make it through a week without dying I will trust him. The timer starts yesterday!" You paused. "Wait, that means it's already going on day two..." You sighed and finished your sushi. A loud crashing noise came from one of the dark rooms. "I smell you little girl!" A rough voice shouted from the hallway. You jumped up and grabbed your katana. You hid close to the door so you could escape if needed but where you could still see the room. A man stepped out of the hallway. He looked somewhat like Akaza but was bald. "Is that Akaza?! No. He's bald and has different markings." You thought. He quickly turned his head in your direction. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" He began to walk towards you only for him to get kicked out into the sun. Akaza glared at the man as he began to burn in the sun. The man quickly stood up and ran into the trees, quickly disappearing. "You ok?" Akaza asked, walking over to you. "Yeah, I'm fine." You took a deep breath and got out of your hiding spot.  "Thank you again." You smiled slightly. You were still trembling but had calmed down a bit. "Who was that?" You questioned, looking out to where the demon had been kicked out. "Probably just some low rank demon." Akaza answered. "But how did he get in? He would need to have gone through the sun to get in." You pointed out. "He probably snuck in during the night and hid." Akaza replied. You thought for a moment. "Thank you... really. I mean it." You repeated, turning back to him. "You have saved me at least twice now." You added. Akaza smiled slightly. You glanced down at your sword which was still in your hand. You turned towards the door and opened it. Akaza turned away and walked deeper into the house. You walked out and shut the door behind you before clenching your sword tighter. You then stepped off  the porch and began to walk down the long path towards the village. "He saved me twice. He has to be trustworthy... right? I don't want to seem rude by not trusting him if he's actually trying to help me, but I don't wanna trust a demon only to die a few days later." You thought. You walked until you found a little stream. It felt so nice and cool and was just relaxing to sit by in general. Eventually you could tell that it was getting sorta late so, not wanting to be in the forest at night with the demons around, you began your walk home. By the time to got back the sun was starting to set. You went inside and made dinner. Just after you were done eating you went out onto the porch and sat down. You set your sword down and looked up at the stars again. Akaza stared at you from the roof. "What's the point of having this sword if I can't even use it? Not just the sword but I have no way of defending myself. My grandfather was a Hashira meanwhile I can't even fend off a low-rank, let alone kill it. I am completely dependent on others and other than cooking and drawing I can't do anything right." You said to yourself. You took a deep breath and gazed up at the stars again. "Whatever. I've almost been eaten twice already after living most of my life not even seeing a demon. If I don't get eaten soon I'll be surprised." You laughed slightly. "Now, what do I want the next time I need to go get food?" You began to think about it. "Rice balls sound good but so does ramen." You were still talking to yourself. Akaza continued to stare at you. "I don't understand how I lived so long in the village after being up here. The village is still nice and all but it's just so peaceful here." You smiled. Akaza sat down cross-legged on the roof and glanced up at the sky. You unsheathed your sword and inspected it. It was really shiny and a beautiful light pink color. Suddenly you saw something in it. It was a reflection. You turned around to see Akaza on the roof. "Hey." You smiled and waved slightly. "Hello." Akaza waved back. "How do you keep getting up there? Is it because you're a demon?" You asked. "I guess you could say that." Akaza replied. You giggled slightly. "That's amazing. Also how are you so good at martial arts? Is it also because you're a demon or is it training?" You questioned. "Both." Akaza answered. "Cool!" You looked down at your sword. "How long did you train?" "About 115 years." Akaza responded. "Wow, that's a lot." You giggled slightly. Akaza smiled slightly. "Is there anything you want to ask me? So far I've been the one asking all the questions and that doesn't seem fair." You offered. "I'm fine." Akaza replied. "Alright." You shrugged. You looked back up at the night sky.  "I better go to bed." You said after a while. "Good night." Akaza responded. "Good night." You smiled back as you grabbed your sword and went inside. "Day three." You smiled to yourself. You sat on your bed, set your sword down, and laid back. In about fifteen minutes you were fast asleep.

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