Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

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Lately Bo had been gone often from home to "run errands" as he'd say, yet whenever I asked him where he'd go he either change the conversation or answer very vaguely. His recent behavior was rather distant but he'd often bring home gifts for me as a means to apologize for being gone for so long.

A strange feeling from my gut had told me there was was wrong here. I didn't know what exactly it was, but I knew damn well I was gonna figure it out.

"See ya Darlin'. I'll be back as soon as I can" Bo said as he leaned in to give me a quick peck on the lips. Rubbing the side my shoulder before I felt his grasp slipping off, I watched him leave out the front door as I waved him goodbye. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, turning around to see Vincent. I smiled as I nod, I had promised him that I'd help him with his wax sculptures, and to be honest, it was the one thing that kept me from losing my mind from the loneliness.

Sure, Lester would come around and talk about his whole knife collection, or to just simply spend time with us, but it wasn't often. He'd go out to take care of his roadkill "hobby" in the woods. And Bo had found work outside of Ambrose, so it was Vincent and I most of the time.

*Time skip*

Hours had passed and Bo was still out, I sighed in annoyance as I handed Vincent a wet small towel. He must've noticed how pissed I was because he had stopped what he was doing and set the towel on the table to turn to me. Looking at me as he tilted his head, I raise a brow as there was a moment of silence.

"...okay. yes. fine. something is on my mind." I admitted to him, his state was the same as before, he didn't move, just stayed the same as before. As if he didn't believe that was all of it. I cross my arms, staring down at him as I sighed.

"Look I just- I just been having a strange feeling's not a good one either..." I stated as he raised his hand, gesturing for me to tell more.

I looked away as I frown, a dreadful feeling washing over me before I spoke. "...I don't understand why Bo has to be gone so much, I miss him dearly...and though he does tell me that he loves me, I just can't help but wonder if he's doing something behind my that wrong of me?" I look at Vincent again for an answer, he shook his head as he continued back to his mini sculpture. I was a bit taken aback at his response, I hadn't expected him to affirm my concerns. I paused for a minute before speaking again.

"...Vincent, let me ask you Bo really going to work when he's gone?" he had stopped what he was doing, pausing before he turned to look at me again as he slowly shook his head. I looked at him in disbelief, I was correct this whole time? What the hell was Bo up to? So many thoughts were going through my head but were abruptly stopped when I heard a door opening upstairs. It was Lester calling out to us, in his friendly upbeat tone as usual. I look at Vincent as he shocked his head urgently.

I gave him a dead stare as I nodded before dashing upstairs. I heard the sounds of his footsteps following me, rushing through the underground hallway, then eventually upstairs. Vincent was fast, but I was faster, I rushed through the kitchen, abruptly coming to a stop as I breathed out heavily. There, Lester sat at the table drinking a cup of orange juice, he gave me a smile as he raised his brow.

"Well hi there Amy, what's the rush?" He still grinned as I head Vincent finally making it up to me, he rested his hand the door frame as he heavily breathed out. I gave him a serious look before turning back to Lester, walking up to him and resting my hand on the table, my other on my hip in a fist.

"Lester...where does Bo really go when he's out? I know it's not work so don't you dare think about lying to me." I leaned down close to him, staring down at him as I watched his expression go from friendly to nervous. He stayed silent as he hesitated to take a drink from his cup.

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