meeting the new guests

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You were finally dressed and decided to go out of the house to see where Joe was you saw that he was already with the guests so you walked over

(Joe) ah y/n your finally here wheres Striker

(Y/n) still getting changed

(???) Who's this pa

You turn around to see a small female imp looking at you curiously

(Joe) oh millie this is y/n one of the new helping hands around here y/n this is my daughter millie

You and millie gave eachother a handshake

(Y/n) pleasure to meet ya millie it'll be fun to get to now you

Millie giggled abit but a larger imp with big horns pushed past her with a massive grin

(Blitz) Hello their I'm blitz the o is silent

He gave you a handshake and firmly gripped your hand

(Y/n) ehm howdy blitz can you let go of my hand now

He finally let go of your hand

(Blitz) anyway over theirs moxxie

A smaller imp walked up to you alittle bit shy

(Moxxie) hello their sir it's a pleasure meeting you

(Y/n) you too moxxie

You look around and spot a hellhound girl on her phone so while everyone else were talking amongst eatchother you decided to go introduce yourself to her

(Y/n) hello their my names y/n what's yours

The hellhound slightly looked up to you from her phone she had that I'm bored af face on her she looked like she was thinking but finally replied

(Loona) uhhh loona

After that she went back to looking at her phone

(Y/n) sick name anyway I were wondering what you and your friends do as a Job

(Loona) were assasins

She said that without even taking a single eye off her phone

(Y/n) cool I'm kind of an assasin myself you now but I sometimes do other jobs on the side

She was still looking at her phone

(Y/n) alright I guess I'll just leave you alone than

You were about to walk away until you heard her say somet

(Loona) why

(Y/n) it just seems like you don't really wanna talk to me

She sighed

(Loona) uhhhh no I just like to look at my phone

(Y/n) oh OK so do you work well with your coworkers

(Loona) no not really I love making fun of moxxie millies just their i guess and blitz is my adopted dad

(Y/n) wait adopted

(Loona) yes he adopted me abit ago when I were almost 18

This intreged you since your parents also neglected you and left you you were never adopted and got kicked out and forced to fend for yourself

(Time skip) you were talking to loona for 2 mins she barely looked away from her phone but you two had a nice conversation well nice enough untill you heard Joe say somet

(Joe) speaking of helping hands hey yo Striker

assassin love (loona x male reader Where stories live. Discover now