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Honami was one of Saki's closest friends and band mate. The four girls decided to start a small band a while back; calling themselves Leo/Need. The group was made of four girls, Saki, Shiho, Ichicka, and Honami, who all focused on a more upbeat style of classical music, and have recently been introduced to drums and acoustic guitars.

Honami grabbed a spray bottle and a towel from a cupboard and ran back into the kitchen, apologizing to the man at the counter for startling him.

Saki looked unsurprised as she watched her brunette friend frantically run around, in fact, she was giggling a little.

"Honami works here? I thought she was a housekeeper?" The boy asked as he turned to her.

"Yeah, but she hasn't been getting many clients recently, and she needed to make more money cause the college she wants to attend is pretty expensive; her parents won't be able to pay for it alone so she's got another job for the rest of the summer to scrape up some more money for it" She explains

"Oh really? What college is she going to?"

"I can't remember, she said she wanted to major in nursing or something though"

"That's pretty cool"

"What inspired her to be a nurse?" Nene questions, adding herself into the conversation at long last.

"Her grandma, she was a nurse and Honami loved how she'd always be there to help others, and that's what she wants to do too" the younger girl grins.

"That's sweet, I'm glad she had that role model for her" The greenette smiles as her gaze falls to the kitchen.

"Me too" My sister nods

Eventually, they ordered after a decent amount of waiting time, but it was damn worth it. Tsukasa was hungry, and before the group had gotten to their picnic spot, he had already taken a few bites of his lunch to try to calm his gurgling stomach.

They had chosen to eat near the theatre; there was a small park across the street, mostly made for smokers and dogs, but it was still well kept and sanitary, a nice place to sit down despite the purpose.

They ate and chatted as they watched cars go by, leaving small plumes of smoke in their wake. It was a lovely day out, and if you looked up at the branches of the trees around them, you could see the leaves were starting to turn, the edges of them beginning to turn a bright yellow-brown color. The thought of fall excited Tsukasa, it's his favorite season by far.

Their conversations continued on, long after their lunches were gone too, and they didn't notice as two figures walked out of the theatre and across the street towards us until a familiar pinkette startled her oblivious girlfriend.

"Nene!" Emu cheered as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend in a surprise back-hug, making the other girl shriek in surprise, her face turning red from embarrassment as she clamped a hand over her mouth.

"Emu?! Where'd you come fro-"

"Good afternoon everyone!" Said another friendly voice, and Tsukasa whirled around to be met with Rui, who waved and stood behind everyone else.

"Rui? Emu? What're you doing here?" He asked as Saki waves to him in a friendly greeting; he waves back.

"Oh nothing really, Emu and I were just at the theatre and just got off for lunch break" he explains as he points to the ground beside Tenma. "may I?"

The blonde nodded and his friend sat down.

"Oh, that's cool, how long is break?" He asked as the girls start up a conversation between themselves.

"Around 45 minutes"

"Shouldn't you be eating then?"

"No, it's fine, Emu and I've been snacking all morning, so I'm more than full and she says she's fine too" he explains, leaning backwards, propping himself up with his hand and gazing at the sky "It's a lovely day out, more than perfect for a picnic"

"Yeah, I love the weather this time of year" The shorter boy nodded in agreement, and as if on queue, a gentle breeze dances by, his blonde hair gently rustling behind him, occasionally brushing against his cheeks.

"Oh crap! The time! I need to go!" Saki yelps, interrupting the placid environment.

"Huh? Where?" Her brother and Emu asked in unison.

"Mom needed my help with some chores and I told her I be there in 10 minutes! Sorry guys, I need to hurry!" The younger girl says as she scrambled to grab her stuff before getting up and waving "Sorry guys! See ya!"

The four of them waved her off as she hurried off, calling for a cab. Emu giggles a little and Tsukasa turned to look at her.

"Silly Saki, always forgetting about something" she laughs as Nene grabs her hand and smiles a little.

"One day she'll be good at remembering what needs to be done" Tenma added jokingly

Saki was pretty good at remembering things most of the time, but that really only applied to Leo/Needs practices and meeting with friends, whereas chores, school, and other tasks completely slip her mind. Some say she's the exact opposite of her brother, but Tsukasa thinks she's just distracted with the stuff that brings her the most joy, and that's okay.

"Well, I guess I should get going to, I needed to swing by the theatre to pick something up" Nene said as Emu hold out a hand to pull her up from the grassy ground, which she gladly accepted.

"Alright, I guess I should go to, dad asked me to stop and check the post office" Tsukasa decided as he stretched his arms above his head and grabbed his sandwich trash.

"Mind if I come with you Tsukasa-Kun? My friend is working today and I'd like to say hi" Rui questioned, and the blonde nodded.

"Sure, I'd love the company" he grinned

'Is this really a good idea? What if something happens between Rui and I? No, that's silly, I'm over thinking it, I don't like him like that, I doubt he likes me, I'm over thinking it, I'm overthinking it, calm down' he thought to himself as he threw the garbage away in the parks' bin, before waving farewell to the girls.

"See you later!" He beamed as they walked away, Emu smiling and nodding

"Byeee!" She exclaims as she and her green-haired girlfriend cross the street.

Tsukasa turned his attention to Rui, who smiles at the shorter boy before gesturing for them to walk together. They set off down the sidewalk together; to the post office they go.

RuiKasa: A Star MelodyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя