The Dance of Many Colors

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This is probably something that is NOT going to be published by Canon because according to the editors, it doesn't fit any category. But I'm labeling it as a biosketch-descriptive essay-short story thing.

This is a true story about me going to a dance concert at my school. And experiencing synesthesia. Don't ask. There's a link on my website to find out what it is. So go check that out. Enjoy!

The soft glow of the theater lights dim to an almost nonexistent glimmer. Dancers file out in a line, perfectly in unison, moving to the beat of a butterfly's fluttering wings. They are adorned with velvety black skirts and dance with small feet that patter across the floor soundlessly, bounding and springing.

The music builds slowly, rising and falling in a peculiar way that entrances the mind and delights the ears. I close my eyes as swirls of earthy tones dance and intertwine themselves into the farthest recesses of my mind. They seem alive, constantly whispering the meaning of each and every note sung by the instruments into my ears.

All at once, the melody erupts into a sunset of deep reds and oranges, the kinds that only manifest themselves after a clear summer day. The air around me seems to crackle with an aura of excited suspense, waiting hungrily for the next note to call out to me. I am caught in an ever-changing scene from Fantasia: curls and wisps of dark hues twist into different shapes and forms, encircling and immersing me in its rhythm.

My heart beats with a lustful vigor. Energy courses through me, electrifying my veins with elation. Everything around me seems muted. My world is that of color and enhanced feeling, while the rest of creation seems unnaturally dull.

I hope you liked it! I am actually a bit proud of this, even though the editors didn't like it. :)

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